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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:18 am

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    [ltr]Thursday, 29  January 2015 11:41[/ltr]
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     He said the House of Representatives decision Imad Youkhana Yako was Parliament adjourned until Thursday afternoon.
     He Yako told all of Iraq [where] that "there is a meeting of the Presidium of the House of Representatives with the parliamentary finance committee, and we hope to reach a solution on the financial budget, noting that" there are several differences within the budget and we are waiting to solve and then hold a parliament session. "

     He was scheduled to hold its House of Representatives to vote on the budget in the eleventh hour of Thursday morning. The representatives of most of the political blocs have announced that members of the bloc will vote to ratify the budget in the parliament session today ended 2

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    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Aajl.almoisna going through a difficult gestation and chairman of the parliament calling for an urge

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:24 am

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    [ltr]Thursday, December 29  January 2015 12:05[/ltr]
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     Pass the state budget for 2015 gestation Asir in the final moments, which was expected to ratify it in the House of Representatives on Thursday.
    After a meeting with the failed presidency of the Council of the Finance Committee and the postponement of the voting session of the eleventh hour as it was prescribed to the one in the afternoon called on the Presidency of the Parliament to attend an urgent meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs and members of the parliamentary finance committee to resolve differences.

     He said in the financial parliamentary finance committee member Haidar al-Kaabi told all of Iraq [where] that "the meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to discuss resolving differences in the budget related to relate troop popular crowd and allocations in the budget and the mechanism of export of oil between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the allocations for the Presidency of the Republic in the national reconciliation file. "

    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives met this morning with members of the Finance Committee to discuss the budget and make some adjustments before the vote in the parliamentary session scheduled for today but without them reach an agreement. And Tdorotlath differences between the blocs on the budget, a claim the National Alliance to reduce the number of grades to PDF crowd in the liberated areas and refused to force the Union that the insistence of the federal government to be exported each product oil through the Sumo and the objection of the Kurdistan region it with the claim of the National Alliance allocated 25 billion dinars as expenditure for the Presidency Republic in the national reconciliation file ".anthy 14

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    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty An official statement: During a meeting of finance parliamentary Jubouri stresses the lack of prejud

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:33 am

    An official statement: During a meeting of finance parliamentary Jubouri stresses the lack of prejudice to staff salaries
    [ltr]2015/1/29 13:13 • 12 visits readable[/ltr]
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      {Baghdad: Euphrates News} The President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Saleem al-Jubouri, during a meeting with members of the president of the parliamentary finance committee, not compromising on staff salaries and give initial each of the lives of citizens.

    A statement by the Presidency of the parliament and the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it on Thursday, said that "House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri has received in his office, Chairman and members of the parliamentary finance committee, and discuss the notes to be adjusted to the final report of the budget prepared by the Finance Committee before discussed during the session on for approving the budget. " 

    President al-Jubouri, also stressed the need to give priority for each of the lives of the citizens and not to prejudice the staff salaries.

    It is said that the Iraqi Council of Representatives has postponed its meeting at one o'clock noon, to enter the al-Jubouri and heads of political blocs, at a meeting to discuss controversial in the general budget for 2015 points .anthy

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    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Parliamentary Finance: ration card allocations from the budget did not change

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:37 am

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    [ltr]Thursday, 29  January 2015 13:19[/ltr]
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee said Thursday, not to change the ration card allocations within the general budget. The committee member said Abdul Qader Mohammed, told all of Iraq [where], that he "has not been manipulated amounts ration card in the budget, which amounted to two billion and 500 billion dinars, but it has been divided into two meals."
     And pass the state budget for 2015 gestation Asir in the final moments, which was expected to ratify it in the House of Representatives on Thursday.
     The Presidency of the Council of Representatives has met this morning with the parliamentary finance committee, after it postponed the voting session of the eleventh hour as it was prescribed to the one in the afternoon, also met with the heads of parliamentary blocs to resolve the outstanding issues on the budget. Spin three differences between the blocs on the budget, a claim the National Alliance to reduce the number of grades to PDF crowd in the liberated areas and refused to force the Union that the insistence of the federal government to be exported each product oil through the Sumo and the objection of the Kurdistan region it with the claim of the National Alliance to cancel the allocation of 25 billion dinars expenses for the presidency in national reconciliation ".anthy 2 file

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    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Jubouri meet with heads of parliamentary blocs to resolve the budget

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:44 am

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     Hall of the House of Representatives during its first imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)[/ltr]

    Jubouri meet with heads of parliamentary blocs to resolve the budget [/ltr]

    [ltr][rtl] HH ,SSJ[/rtl]

    Author: HH, SSJ

    Editor: HH 
    01/29/2015 12:05
    Number of Views: 150 [/ltr]

    [ltr]Long-Presse / Baghdad
    A parliamentary source revealed on Thursday that House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, held a meeting with the heads of the political blocs to resolve points of contention in the current fiscal budget law for 2015, after a foiled Finance Committee meeting in the resolution.
     The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-contract, this afternoon, a meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs building of the House of Representatives to resolve points of contention in the financial budget for the current year law in 2015, after its failure with the Finance Committee."
    The source, who asked not to be named, said: "al-Jubouri, will work to convince the heads of parliamentary blocs to pass the budget during today's session, and overcome differences."
     A parliamentary source revealed on Thursday (January 29, 2015), Meeting House Speaker Salim al-held with the Finance Committee to resolve differences on the financial budget for the current year 2015, failed to reach solutions to approving the budget, while stressing that the three controversial points aborted meeting.
    As decided Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq, Thursday, to postpone the ninth session of the second legislative term legislative year, the first devoted to the approval of the financial budget for the current 2015 law, one hour, while attributing parliamentary source due to the continuing differences between the political blocs on some paragraphs of the budget.
    And held the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday morning, a meeting at the parliament building to resolve the position of participating in designated to approve the financial budget for the current 2015 Law of the meeting, scheduled for today, to announce after the approval to attend the meeting and vote on approval.
    The MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif confirmed on Thursday (January 29, 2015), that the House of Representatives will vote on the financial budget for the current 2015 during its meeting to be held today, while confirming that the approval will be in accordance with the political consensus and not a professional reading, referred to Everyone agreed on the need for approval after that "tasted the scourge not approve 2014 budget."
    And the President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Monday, (January 26, 2015), the parliamentary session to be held on Thursday, to vote on the draft financial budget for the current year 2015.  The President of the parliamentary finance committee, Ahmed Chalabi, told the speaker, Salim al-Jubouri, on Monday (26 January 2015 present), the readiness of the project budget for the current financial year the law to a vote on Thursday.
     And approved by the Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, (January 27, 2015), to reduce the price of a barrel of oil calculated in the budget to $ 55 a barrel instead of 60, to make it closer to the reality of global markets, and facilitate the passage of the budget bill.


    A member of the parliamentary finance committee, Masood Haider, in a press statement, on Tuesday, for the approval of the Commission to reduce the amount of the current budget for fiscal year 2015 to 125 Trliuna and 500 billion dinars to 119 Trliuna only, ie reducing the amount of nearly six trillion dinars.
     Referred to the Iraqi Council of Representatives ended during the fourth session of the second legislative term of the first legislative year, which was held in (January 12, 2015), ending the second reading of the draft financial budget for the current year 2015, and the vote of the Committee on Migration and Displacement powers all to follow the displaced, but not included in the agenda then until now.
     He called on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Saturday, (January 10, 2015), during the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Dawa Party, the House of Representatives to the lack of budget returns, and stressed that the validity of Parliament reduction and carry, and with the provinces and ministries called "open the door for investment wide , warned that it "will be considered investment like a terrorism crime disabled."

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    day dreamer
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Urgent ..alajabura confirms the existence of a controversial points in the budget

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:47 am

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    [ltr]Thursday, 29  January 2015 13:38[/ltr]
    [ltr]Urgent ..alajabura confirms the existence of a controversial points in the budget
    House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri said during a news conference on Thursday that there are three points of contention over the budget, a subject of debate, however, the political blocs before approval ..itba

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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Jubouri meeting fails resolving differences on the budget

    Post by day dreamer Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:50 am

    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri[/ltr]
    [ltr]Jubouri meeting fails resolving differences on the budget [/ltr]

    [ltr][rtl]HA ,HH ,SSJ[/rtl]

    Author: HA, HH, SSJ
    [rtl]اHA ,HH[/rtl]

    Editor: HA, HH
    01/29/2015 11:49 
    Number of Views: 194 [/ltr]

    [ltr]Long-Presse / Baghdad

    A parliamentary source revealed on Thursday that House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, a meeting with the Finance Committee failed to resolve differences on the financial budget for the current 2015 law, as he emphasized that the three controversial points aborted meeting.
     The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The meeting of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, with the parliamentary finance committee failed to resolve the contentious on the financial budget for the current 2015 points," noting that "the conferees did not reach a solution to the three controversial points."
    The source, who asked not to be named, said: "The first contentious point included a request for the Council of Ministers earlier in reducing the number of the popular crowd of 120 thousand to 100 thousand," noting that "the Union of Forces asked to be the number of the sons of the Sunni component 50 thousand in the popular crowd while the National Alliance objected and demanded that the number of members of the crowd of Shiite alpha component 70 and include the reduction of the Sunni component. "
     The source continued that "the second point of contention included the Kurdistan Alliance refused to export oil through the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO)," noting that "the third point of contention included the interception of a coalition of law to allocate 25 billion dinars for the President of the Republic in provisions of national reconciliation."
    The head of the House of Representatives, Salim al-held, on Thursday morning, a meeting with the Parliamentary Finance Committee to discuss the points of contention in the current fiscal budget law for 2015, and resolved ahead of a day devoted to the approval of the meeting.
    And held the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday morning, a meeting at the parliament building to resolve the position of participating in designated to approve the financial budget for the current 2015 Law of the meeting, scheduled for today, to announce after the approval to attend the meeting and vote on approval.
     The MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif confirmed on Thursday (January 29, 2015), that the House of Representatives will vote on the financial budget for the current 2015 during its meeting to be held today, while confirming that the approval will be in accordance with the political consensus and not a professional reading, referred to Everyone agreed on the need for approval after that "tasted the scourge not approve 2014 budget."
     And the President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Monday, (January 26, 2015), the parliamentary session to be held on Thursday, to vote on the draft financial budget for the current year 2015.
    The President of the parliamentary finance committee, Ahmed Chalabi, told the speaker, Salim al-Jubouri, on Monday (26 January 2015 present), the readiness of the project budget for the current financial year the law to a vote on Thursday.
     Also noteworthy that the Council of Ministers approved, on Tuesday, (January 27, 2015), to reduce the price of a barrel of oil calculated in the budget to $ 55 a barrel instead of 60, to make it closer to the reality of global markets, and facilitate the passage of the budget bill.
     A member of the parliamentary finance committee, Masood Haider, in a press statement, on Tuesday, for the approval of the Commission to reduce the amount of the current budget for fiscal year 2015 to 125 Trliuna and 500 billion dinars to 119 Trliuna only, ie reducing the amount of nearly six trillion dinars.
    Referred to the Iraqi Council of Representatives ended during the fourth session of the second legislative term of the first legislative year, which was held in (January 12, 2015), ending the second reading of the draft financial budget for the current year 2015, and the vote of the Committee on Migration and Displacement powers all to follow the displaced, but not included in the agenda then until now.
     He called on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Saturday, (January 10, 2015), during the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Dawa Party, the House of Representatives to the lack of budget returns, and stressed that the validity of Parliament reduction and carry, and with the provinces and ministries called "open the door for investment wide , warned that it "will be considered investment like a terrorism crime disabled."

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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Re: postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

    Post by mochasmom Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:02 am

    Those contentions don't seem that bad, surely they can work through this
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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Re: postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

    Post by weslin3 Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:03 am

    You would think so.... So we wait!!

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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Re: postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

    Post by Neno Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:43 am

    It's almost 5pm there now. Looks like dd stayed up all night watching this not get voted on

    lol no I didn't stay up all night just checked when I got up with Randy then went back to bed

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    postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm  Empty Re: postponement of the parliamentary session to one pm

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