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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jubouri Baghdad reveals a statement asserts: We will host the heads of the parliaments of Iran, Turk

    Admin Assist
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    Jubouri Baghdad reveals a statement asserts: We will host the heads of the parliaments of Iran, Turk Empty Jubouri Baghdad reveals a statement asserts: We will host the heads of the parliaments of Iran, Turk

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Jan 2016, 5:26 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    By the parliaments of the Islamic and Arab conference in the Government Palace
    Jubouri Baghdad reveals a statement asserts: We will host the heads of the parliaments of Iran, Turkey and Kuwait

    Author: AB, HH, MK 
    Editor: AB, HH 2016/01/23 13:53 Number of Views: 800 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    The chairman of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, said on Saturday that Baghdad statement will contain important issues for the people of Islamic countries and the challenges they face, and as he emphasized that the conference will host today, the heads of the Turkish parliament and the Iranian and Kuwaiti, pointed to the need to stand up, "one description" to meet the challenges facing the region.
    Said Saleem al-Jubouri, during a press conference held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad, and attended (range Press), "The Islamic Parliaments conference will come out a closing statement in the Conference's recommendations and decisions, as well as the announcement of Baghdad, a statement which includes the important issues of the peoples of the Islamic countries and the challenges they face." noting that "Baghdad will be read a statement on Sunday."
    He said al-Jubouri, that "Iraq will witness today, hosting the heads of the Turkish and the Iranian parliament and Kuwait, as well as the rest of the presidents who has hosted the past two days."
    He Jubouri, who is president of the current session of the Conference of the Parliamentary Union of Islamic states, that "bilateral meetings led to a group discussion of the challenges facing Iraq and the region, and discuss cooperation to confront them," stressing the need to "stand united in the face of these challenges."
    The head of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri description, on Saturday, responding to attend a conference of the Parliamentary Union of Islamic Countries held in Baghdad as "high and unexpected," and as he emphasized the participation of ten heads and 40 countries at the conference, pointed out that Iraq will play a major role in the "heal the rift in the region. "
    It opened in the capital, Baghdad, on Saturday, the 18th session of the General Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the Islamic countries, after the start of meetings of the Executive Committee of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation three days.
    It began in the capital Baghdad, on Wednesday, the (20 January 2016), the work of the Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the Member States of the OIC within the activities of the Arab and Islamic parliaments conference, which lasts for five days.
    And opened the Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the Member States meeting at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which was held in the Rashid Hotel Zora Hall, in central Baghdad, a speech by Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, where he received Iraq's presidency of the Conference, as will include the work of the Conference, which lasts for five days, several activities to the participating delegations table.
    The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, announced on Sunday the (18 January 2016) that the Iraqi capital Baghdad, will host the 20th of the month of January 2016, the Conference of Arab and Islamic parliaments to take over the presidency of the Conference for the first time since 2003, and confirmed that the Conference will be held in conjunction with the victories achieved by the security forces and volunteers, and as pointed out that the conference will approve the Islamic strategy for "the face of extremism and terrorism," accused. "Some extremists and criminals seeking to obstruct the peaceful co-existence" in the Arab countries and Iraq. "
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