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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minister of Construction confirms the transfer of 70 percent of the ministry's powers to the provinc

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    Minister of Construction confirms the transfer of 70 percent of the ministry's powers to the provinc Empty Minister of Construction confirms the transfer of 70 percent of the ministry's powers to the provinc

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 7:55 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Minister of Construction Tariq Kikhany during his press conference in Dhi Qar
    Minister of Construction confirms the transfer of 70 percent of the ministry's powers to the provinces

    Author: BS, HAM 
    Editor: BS 4/2/2016 14:28 Number of Views: 299 

    Long-Presse / Dhi Qar
    Minister of Construction and Housing and Municipalities and Public Works Tariq Kikhany on Thursday that his ministry had transferred 70 percent of its powers to the provinces, and pointed to continue the ministry with the provinces in the transfer of the remaining powers in accordance with the timings specified, while assured the governor of Dhi Qar need conservative circles for more support ministry to avoid the repercussions of the financial crisis.
    He Kikhany at a joint news conference with the governor of Dhi Qar Yahia Nasseri in the Office of the province and attended (range Press) "The Ministry of Construction and Housing, municipalities are one of the first ministries which began the transfer of powers to local governments has exceeded what we have quoted from the powers of the 70 percent of them and the remaining powers will be transferred gradually to the provinces. "
    He Kikhany that "we believe the transfer of powers and we are the first to call it our universe worked for two in the provincial councils and are aware of the importance of the transfer of powers to local governments in the management of provincial affairs," following the "Our ministry has no problems with the provinces in the area of ​​transfer of powers, but it regards Baltoukitat ministerial and other problems with the rest of the ministries and this is not borne by our ministry. "
    For his part, the governor of Dhi Qar Yahia Nasseri during the conference that "the visit of Minister of reconstruction constitute the support of the ministry departments operating in the province and stimulated to intensify efforts in the performance of its functions and to provide the required services."
    He said the governor of Dhi Qar to "follow up the implementation of ministerial projects by the ministry is an important requirement adopted by the province to ensure the implementation of the projects according to the required specifications and the time limit specified her," stressing the need to maintain services to further support the ministry to avoid the repercussions of the financial crisis.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 11:20 am