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    Central bank: windows sell the currency continued and stopped serve speculators

    Admin Assist
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    Central bank: windows sell the currency continued and stopped serve speculators Empty Central bank: windows sell the currency continued and stopped serve speculators

    Post by Rocky Tue 05 Apr 2016, 7:33 am

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    Economy Nez / Continue ...
    The Central Bank, on Monday, that the windows of a continuous sell the currency, at a time considered that stopped serve speculators, pointed out that the normal irregularities will be dealt with through sanctions and fines.
    The general director of banking and credit control Ihsan Shomran Yasiri that "banks and money transfer and banking are the windows of the central bank to deliver foreign currency to meet the real demands," adding that "these windows must continue to work because he is the opposite meaning for asylum need to market and submit to the conditions of speculators
    He Yasiri "the bank studied the issue of the continuation of these windows at work and dealing with offenses normal sanctions and fines applicable law and regulations in force," indicating that "to deprive these windows from entering the window is the last resort after the resumption of normal penalties or when committed crimes related to money laundering or terrorist financing or not to require disclosure of what the nature of daily work to make sure that imposed by the Bank's business requirements. "
    He called Yasiri banks and institutions that deal with the bank to "abide by such concepts and determinants because the bank is ready to meet all the requests."
    The governor of the bank on the Keywords on February 16 that the central bank is responsible for conducting the auction currency under the law, which is responsible for the stability of the exchange rate.
    He announced the central bank governor on the Keywords on the third of March 2015 that the new guidelines set by the bank is that the auction is no longer a daily window for operations for the sale of currency auctions, noting that the new mechanisms developed to sell this currency, especially that of its functions to provide currency for foreign trade.
    And established an independent Iraqi Central Bank as a bank under a law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.


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     04/05/2016 - 12:36   Last updated 05/04/2016 - 13:44   No. Content 2790


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