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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Integrity: we're going to reveal the corruption of the oil licensing rounds and hold n

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Integrity: we're going to reveal the corruption of the oil licensing rounds and hold n Empty Parliamentary Integrity: we're going to reveal the corruption of the oil licensing rounds and hold n

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Apr 2016, 5:26 pm

    Parliamentary Integrity: we're going to reveal the corruption of the oil licensing rounds and hold negligent

    History Tahrir:: 2016/4/15 20:43 

    [Oan- Baghdad] a

    member of the Parliamentary Integrity Commission Mona Ghorabi confirmed their quest to reveal the corruption that marred the oil licensing rounds.

    She Ghorabi in a press statement on Friday, the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the Parliamentary Integrity Commission are still going on in the investigation of the corruption that marred the licensing contracts," noting that "there are more documents show about oil licensing rounds . " .

    confirmed "will not be deterred anyone from exposing corruption in the country and return money to the treasury of Iraq , " saying " the quest for referring defaulters to eliminate and hold them accountable to the people."

    the oil minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, revealed in 30 of last March for the loss of the state , including more than 14 billion dollars paid in compensation to foreign companies operating in Iraq as a result of disruptions bore responsibility. "

    he pointed out that" the licensing rounds contracts stipulated in article 12/5 of which he [the company extractive entitled to refer to your any proposed program of work or certified by the proposed level of production, has required under notice written, from the contractor or operator to increase or reduce [reduce] the rate of production from the contract area for any of the reasons the following]. "

    He attributed Abdul - Mahdi , the loss to" poor planning or because of the application of restrictions and regulations and procedures of obsolete Tkhosrna more than protect us or defend our interests . "

    The investigation into journalists investigative talked about what he called [ the biggest bribe] the world has seen and described as a " historic scandal for Iraq , which like the scene of this corruption under the oil contracts cover included high - ranking Iraqi officials , ".hsp investigative journalist.

    He noted the investigation conducted locations" Fbervaks Media " and "Haventgon Post", and the dissemination of Wednesday, March 30 / March, a number of prominent names in Iraq that are directly related to this scandal.

    Among the most prominent of these figures and the Higher Education Minister Hussein al - Shahristani, who was oil minister in the previous government and the deputy prime minister for energy affairs in the session before.

    charged with the ministerial committee and handed over the investigation of corruption cases oil contracts information to the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi.

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