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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Cabinet: the presence of advisers and agents for "domestication" and not to complete the quorum

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Cabinet: the presence of advisers and agents for "domestication" and not to complete the quorum Empty Cabinet: the presence of advisers and agents for "domestication" and not to complete the quorum

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 May 2016, 3:50 am

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    Cabinet: the presence of advisers and agents for "domestication" and not to complete the quorum

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    Called the Information Office of the Prime Minister, Haider al - Abadi, all political forces to provide the appropriate atmosphere for theexercise of state institutions and constitutional duties and the return of parliament to convene again to " as soon as possible." While attributing the presence of agents ministries , the Council of Ministers to "draw on their opinions" and not for "vote or a quorum." This 
    came during a briefing by Saad al - Sabri, a spokesman for the Information Office of the Prime Minister, Haider al - Abadi, according to a statement of the Office, received (range Press) a copy of it. 
    he said Sabri, said that " the Iraqi government confirms that the security situation and the challenges ofterrorism faced by Iraq, requires all political forces join hands and work together to achieve the final victory over the gangs Daash terrorist, and join efforts to provide security to citizens and to stop any breaches targeting innocent citizens . " , returned to this "national responsibility must be on all political forces be borne especially that terrorism seeks his crimes to the rhythm of discord between the political forces and broadcast sedition among Iraqis." 
    the spokesman added, " the terrorists are well aware that the unity of Iraqis and unite political forces and stop the dumping charges on each other, is the most important weapons of Iraq in the face of terrorism, " aformidable political forces and social events all" sublimation on internal differences and work together in order to provide the appropriate political atmosphere for the exercise of the various state institutions , itsconstitutional duties entrusted to it, and the return of parliament to convene again as soon as possible, which provides a legislative cover to complete the cabinet reshuffle and the completion of government reform, and provides further support for the institutions and the security services to carry out its duties in maintaining security and protect the lives of citizens and achieve more victories in the Iraq war against terrorism right up to the completion of the final victory in which " and on what was raised recently from murmurs on theparticipation of deputy ministers in the Council of Ministers, said Sabri, that " the rules of procedure of theCouncil of Ministers stipulated in Chapter II Article -5- second, that the President of the Council invited sees presence of advisers or directors - general or any employee of the state of the domestication of opinions on topics displayed within the Council 's agenda , "noting that" paragraph III of the same article stipulates that it is not for those who attend the meetings of the Board of the non - members the right to vote. " 
    he continued the spokesman, it is on this , " the foundation issued guidance in the cabinet meeting a few months ago has been emphasized in the the last meeting of the Council of Ministers to attend the agents to the sessions for the domestication of views on the topics on the agenda for this purpose exclusively, and not for the purposes of the vote or quorum. " 
    regarding the terrorist act which targeted the control of the Taji gas plant, was frustration and kill terrorists, Sabri said, that" the leader General of the armed forces, Haider al - Abadi, the Interior Ministry ordered aninvestigation into this terrorist act and reconsider its energy police stationed in the lab. "
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