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    1326 private school .. "investment" projects and alternative government to teach the "shambles"

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    1326 private school .. "investment" projects and alternative government to teach the "shambles" Empty 1326 private school .. "investment" projects and alternative government to teach the "shambles"

    Post by Rocky Tue 26 Jul 2016, 3:28 am

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    1326 private school .. "investment" projects and alternative government to teach the "shambles"

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    Decline in the level of education and theperformance of its cadres and the lack ofschool buildings in Iraq after 2003, offered anideal environment for the emergence ofprivate education, where the Ministry ofEducation recorded so far in 1326 for a private school , especially in the three stages of education, and promised to "help public education," without hiding its desire base b " expand investment in the education sector to ensure the success of the experiment, "as well as to reassure the susceptibility of these projects for" censorship ".zaor those schools met lots of interest inwanting to" good level "of education for their children and their families after they have become government counterparts is responsive ambition, where includes private schools at the present time about 125 thousand students in various stages, compared to criticism from citizens and professionals to those schools as "investment projects" means the physical aspect of the "expense of the educational level." private schools "weak level" alternative to other government "not qualified" for asylum citizens to own private schools was anescape from the "scourge of tutoring" in government counterparts that the enemy "is not qualified", despite criticism of the private school for "lack of proper curriculum." Says the citizen Osama Mahmoud, said in aninterview to the (long - Presse), " The private schools are characterized are clean and not overcrowded classrooms and create a positive environment for students, but suffers in return than twice the level ofeducation , " noting that "those schools take foreign languages ​​great deal of importance in curriculum at theexpense of basic scientific material. " for its part, Bushra Hussein says a mother of two children, said in aninterview to the (long - Presse)," the private schools managed to limit the phenomenon of private lessons, which are considered the most serious scourge facing public education. " private schools .. "Investment projects exploiting weak oversight" projects of private education aims to achieve "investment" goals of financial profits on the educational side account, under the "weak" oversight of the Ministry of Education, as seen specialists. In an interview he says the Arabic language teacher Salah flowered, to (long - Presse), " ThePrivate Education Project cares side venture of achieving financial profits, on the educational side account , " noting that "the Ministry of Education stipulated that provide a typical atmosphere in private schools in terms of buildings and cadres educational, for the granting of licenses. "   flowered and asserts that" many of theprivate schools are not bound by the conditions set by the Ministry of Education and current , "attributing it to" the weakness of the supervisory role of the Ministry of Education at these schools. " private schools" elevated "level of education to create" competition " in contrast, private schools owners believe that their projects and their role in educational equity "advancement of education", under "non - state capacity" to promote theeducational level in government schools. Fawzia al - Ani, director of one of the private schools in Baghdad in an interview to the (long - Presse), " The private schools have emerged after 2003, and contributed to the development of the educational process by creating a spirit of competition with government counterparts, and provided a lot of activities and new needs and required for those who wish real education. " has not denied al - Ani , the existence of private schools" without the level of ambition of the people because of the low level ofeducational owners or the unsuitability of buildings or violating instructions ", loaded with inspection commissions at the Ministry of Education , " the responsibility of the follow - up of private schools and toensure their commitment to the instructions. " 1326 a private school in Iraq is home to about 125 thousand students and the pursuit of government to increase its part, the Ministry of Education about the presence of1326 for a private school in Iraq reveal managed by more than 12 thousand of the teaching staff and is home to about 125 thousand students, and promised that " the base help" public education, warning of an Iraqi civil schools schools abroad. says Deputy Minister of Education Ali Brahimi, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the ministry does not oppose or object to the establishment of private schools, as a base to help public education, as well as its role in lifting the weight from the shoulders of the ministry in many aspects, the Like a lot of countries that depend on private education to the side of the government in the process of education. " Ibrahimi does not hide his ambition ministry to "expand investment in the education sector so as to ensure the success of this experiment", in exchange for assurances that "committees ministry continues to tour patrol on private schools, to ensure the preservation of the format and the nature of education in it ." For his part, General Director of Education Ahli says the Ministry of Education Mohammad Sattar al - Jumaili, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the number of private schools in Iraq reached 1326 schools, with about 124 thousand and 629 students, and is run by about 12 thousand and 421 cadres of teaching , " noting that " the ministry recorded some observations a number of schools and has been in charge of them held accountable by pulling Practice license or fined physically. " He adds Jumaili, that" some investors have applied for the establishment of foreign schools do not work according to the Iraqi education system , "stressing that" the ministry has not granted approval for such schools, where required to get approval from the cabinet first. " he indicates general director of education Ahli to" the presence of foreign schools in Iraq are working according to the Iraqi educational system , including the Turkish schools , "pointing out that" one investor established a foreign school operates according to the University of Cambridge system in the neighborhood University, west of Baghdad, has attracted a number of students this year and began Ptdrashm in spite of thelack of approval of the ministry. " reveals Jumaili for" another problem is the Iraqi civil schools abroad which operate without obtaining a license from the ministry, including a school in the city of Mashhad in Iran, where the ministry receives a large number of pleas from the families of students enrolled with such schools on thefate of their children , "calling on parents to" pay attention and awareness to such cases. " Jumaili shows that" the main requirements for opening a private school related to the founders and custom building, where she is a committee of the ministry building and assess its validity, according to the type of school , "explaining that" the acceptance of the terms of the building to be a good standard furnished with respect to laboratories, classrooms and other school facilities. "    

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