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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Tue 26 Jul 2016, 3:29 am

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    confinement for administrator accounts in asilo Khan Dhari issued the presidency toresume Baghdad court decision against theaccounts officer in the silo Khan Dhari belonging to the company grain trade life imprisonment as a result of themisappropriation of funds. He said pro - Saadi inspector general of the Ministry of Commerce said , "Bureau of Investigation in the Office of the Inspector General Securities referred investigative own administrator accounts in asilo Khan Dhari and after the completion of all investigative and legal proceedings to the competent courts. "he said al - Saadi said" accounts , who was sentenced official was accused of embezzling big money and themanipulation of the accounts Balsoumah has setups investigative managed in the office of the discovery ofcases of fraud and manipulation and then complete the administrative investigation is fundamentalist inaccordance with legal evidence. " adversity CLEAR weather and temperatures recorded 45 Celsius Authority meteorological and seismic monitoring, that the anticipated weather the next four days will be, Shawwa and temperatures reach 45 C's. a statement by the Commission, that" the weather on Tuesday will be in all Shawwa areas, and the high temperature forecast in the city of Baghdad , 45 m. " He added," the weather on Wednesday will be in all areas is clear. the degrees of approach to heat the previous day , "which was recorded in which the vast Baghdad , 45 m. , and predicted" there is no change in the Weather forecast for next Thursday zones all over the previous day. " the statement pointed out that" the next weather Friday will be in all areas Shawwa hot, and temperatures rise slightly from the previous day. " Anbar processing liberated areas , electric generators declared governor of Anbar province Suhaib al- Rawi, the arrival of meals of electricity generators high ability to maintain coordination with the Development Centre of the United Nations (UNDP ) . the narrator said that " the supply of generators to the liberated areas coincide with the efforts of the local government of Anbar in restoring stability, infrastructure and services, in order to organize immediate and safe return of the All - displaced people." he added " the actions are under way to double to overcome all the difficulties that stand in front of the return of our people to their areas, and to provide all the services and infrastructure needed to bring life to the districts, counties and villages liberated, as well as remove all remnants of war and unexploded ordnance local and international format." Karbala distribution role and land on a part - time Agricultural Ministry of Agriculture announced the approval of the distribution and the role of the territory of the modern village of vacant full - time farm in Karbala. He said the Department of Relations and Media and International Cooperation said in a statement that he "will be available for the modern village of land distribution through the draw will take place Tuesday , 26/07/2016 at the headquarters of thecultivation of Karbala Directorate in the presence of the Commission on the distribution of the role and theterritory of the modern village , " pointing out that " the draw will include 27 ahead of engineers, veterinarians and graduates Alaaadadiat and institutes, and the winners will be awarded by drawing lots Dara area of 200 meters and agricultural land. " He added that " the candidate list of names and ratified by the modern village of Karbala was about 27 people , including 21 , an agricultural engineer and a veterinarian one and three of the campaign technical diploma and two technical bachelor 's degree holders." GAM free access for people with disabilities to the Zawraa Park and directed the secretariat of Baghdad entry of persons with disabilities free to Zawraa Park. The Secretariat said that "Amina Baghdad and directed the Department of Parks and landscaping to allow people with disabilities free access to Al - Zawraa Park to make way for this segment for walks in Oviaih." " The secretariat of Baghdad , also sent in earlier times the entry of children under the age of six free to the park along with the issuance of directives to enter all citizens free feast days and national events , " pointing out that " the department mentioned attaches great importance park Zora across a large growing numbers of trees and plants and expand the size of green areas cultivated and outfitted with toys new for children and various service utilities to create an atmosphere of fun for patrons. " a close roads leading to the " bird flu areas " face of the first deputy governor of Dhi Qar just Aldechala to close a number of roads unofficial related areas which recorded the cases of bird flu. the intruder the "joint committees between the police headquarters of Dhi Qar and managers of the issue and respects formed to monitor Mismiyah roads that are used in the introduction of poultry unofficially from infected areas and add new medical teams at the entrances to the province to monitor poultry hyphen to the province, stressing the need for a formal written health departments with poultry shipments , "stressing" version tight orders to theleadership of police operations Dhi Qar to increase the number of patrols and checkpoints after receiving complaints relating to the entry of shipments of unlicensed illegally to the province. "
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