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    Administrative Court rejects the decision to dismiss the governor of Anbar

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Administrative Court rejects the decision to dismiss the governor of Anbar Empty Administrative Court rejects the decision to dismiss the governor of Anbar

    Post by Rocky Thu 28 Jul 2016, 3:32 am

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    Administrative Court rejects the decision to dismiss the governor of Anbar

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Administrative Court dismissed, on Wednesday, the Anbar provincial council 'sdecision to dismiss the conservative Suhaib al-Rawi, and expressed as the narrator for his confidence , "full of the Iraqi judiciary," promise " a watchful eye to protect democracy and law." 
    He said the Supreme Judicial Council, in a brief statement, received a (long - Presse ) a copy of it, " theadministrative Court dismissed Anbar Council resolution dismissal of the governor Suhaib al- Rawi." 
    the administrative Court has postponed the decisive hearing in the appeal filed about the decision to dismiss the governor of Anbar province Suhaib narrator for two days. 
    in this procedure eliminate ended the confrontation between the Islamic party , which belongs to him Governor Anbar Suhaib al- Rawi and "Front of reform." And the voice of the Anbar province, late last June, amajority on the dismissal of the conservative Suhaib al- Rawi, who apologized for attending the hearing " forhealth reasons". 
    The decision of dismissal after the provincial council held two one - day in - based alternative to spend Khalidiyah, which lies 23 kilometers east of Ramadi, what sparked debate about the constitutionality of two meetings in one day and the dismissal of the first official in the province. Despite some objections made ​​by members of the provincial council , including Rajah Barakat al - Issawi, it has approved 18 members of the Anbar provincial council out of 30 on the dismissal. 
    The governor of Anbar Suhaib al- Rawi, in a statement yesterday, he said that "what was issued today by thedecision of the Council of Anbar province, we can only reject it nationally, and turn to the Iraqi administrative law for the realization of the right, lift the rod from the wheel of progress that we are moving in with ourbrothers in the provincial council, who lived with us efforts we have made ​​service to our country and our province. " 
    for his part , the governor of Anbar Suhaib al- Rawi said in Last statement received (long - Presse) a copy ofit, that " the people of Anbar service loftier than differences and that his hand with all loyal to cross the crisis experienced by the province , " stressing that "with any exercise of democracy in the province." 
    he was the narrator for "full confidence in the Iraqi judiciary , which has long had a watchful eye to protect democracy and the conduct of law and addressing any target is not in the interest of Iraq and its people, "reiterated his call to all the activities of the province to" redouble their efforts, standardization and rise above differences and pair say work to serve Iraq as a whole and not Anbar only. " 
    it was close to the parties Anbar governor Ahmed Abu Risha has been accused of being behind attempts tooverthrow the former was . 
    revealed parties within Anbar (range), the middle of last June, in the face of imminent between the Islamic party , which belongs to him the governor of Anbar Suhaib al- Rawi and Abu Risha, head of the Iraqi awakening Conference, threatens to change the map political in Anbar after the submission of the narrator request to the Speaker of parliament to dissolve the provincial council. 
    the narrator threatened by appealing to the law and resorting to the courts in response to the vote on his dismissal, as called unite and join hands to break the neck of the crisis in Anbar.
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