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    Parliamentary services critical of the Investment Law: Iraq will not exceed the housing crisis in 10

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Parliamentary services critical of the Investment Law: Iraq will not exceed the housing crisis in 10 Empty Parliamentary services critical of the Investment Law: Iraq will not exceed the housing crisis in 10

    Post by Hkp1 Tue 04 Jun 2013, 1:47 am

    Parliamentary services critical of the Investment Law: Iraq will not exceed the housing crisis in 100 years

    Tuesday, June 4, 2013 09:02

    News / revealed the Chairman of the Commission services and
    reconstruction in the House of Representatives, on the need for Iraq to
    about three million housing units, arguing that he can not overcome this
    crisis, after 100 years under the law of the current investment,
    calling on the Baghdad government to benefit from the experience of the
    Kurdistan region in this regard .

    The said Vian intruder, in an
    interview with "Twilight News" that "according to the statistics, we can
    say that Iraq needs to two million and 780 thousand units, on the
    grounds that every Iraqi family need to have their own housing or king."

    Iraqi government stresses need for the country to 2.5 million housing
    units to overcome the housing crisis in the whole of Iraq and there are
    long-term government plan in this area as well as the granting of
    permits investors to build residential projects.

    She added, "More
    than a quarter of the Iraqi people live in rent, and the right of
    citizens to have a decent housing and this is a right guaranteed by the
    Constitution, and that the resources exploited for the benefit of the
    Iraqi citizens, and do not forget also that more than a quarter of the
    Iraqi people, the rate of income almost

    250 thousand dinars
    (about $ 200) a month, and this one of the big problems of poverty that
    exists inside Iraq that a quarter of the Iraqi people living on the
    poverty line.

    The intruder asked "Can you through the amounts you
    spend on this sector to accomplish this number according to the Urban
    policy in the State of Iraq"?

    She "can not get to the 1% of the
    needs of the Iraqi people to live, even if we consider that he could
    Ministry of Construction and Housing, which is competent in this matter,
    to be completed 3000 to 5000 units per year, after how many years we
    will reach the completion of the required number, and do not forget that
    there is a population increase of 2.3% of the population each year,
    then this problem will worsen year after year. "

    And about
    possible solutions to this crisis,, explained an outsider "perhaps one
    of the key solutions now in light of this crisis is to open the door for
    private sector investment in housing, though the latter in the issue of
    income housing surely there will be a quantum leap in this sector for
    the better."

    Increased by saying, "It should well-exploitation of
    resources and the allocation of other funds to the Ministry of
    Construction and Housing with other open windows, except real estate
    loans from banks and the Housing Fund, all these will facilitate the

    She stressed the importance of "changing the investment
    law and open the way and facilitate the entry of the investor and to
    ensure his safety and his return by the business inside Iraq, and that
    the state can take basic steps in this area."

    Afterthought by
    saying, "Unfortunately, so far we did not find any positive step of the
    Iraqi state and the government in this direction, except for the
    allocation of the amounts we can not say it's embarrassing to the
    Ministry of Construction and Housing in order to play this great role."

    about the role that could be played by the provinces to allocate a
    larger portion of the money to build housing units in their budgets
    annual reported an outsider by saying "Iraq emerged from a series of
    wars which devastated infrastructure, and even the amounts given to the
    provinces within the budget of the provinces is not enough to meet the
    needs of residential units because there is a need for infrastructure,
    water, electricity, sewer, streets and all this devastating facilities
    in almost most of the provinces. "

    And severely damaged the Iraqi
    economy in recent decades as a result of consecutive fight the
    country's wars as well as the imposition of the blockade for more than a

    Iraq gets on tens of billions of dollars a year from oil
    sales, but the government reconstruction plans going slowly result of
    tensions security and the spread of corruption and cronyism, according
    to reports.

    She intruder that "he can for the Iraqi government to
    benefit from the experience of the Kurdistan Region, and we had in the
    region, the same problem years ago, but when you change the law of
    investment in the region and entered the private sector to invest in the
    field of construction and reconstruction occurred there a quantum leap
    large, so that the existing building within the province is currently a
    surplus almost all people need. "

    It noted that "in case of
    survival of the Iraqi laws in the field of investment as it is now,
    according to a statement I heard from the Minister of Construction and
    Housing, we need a hundred years in the event remained census the
    population of Iraq at 30 million, because he must take population growth
    into account."

    X G / r / MVA

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