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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Integrity Committee is continuing to collect and expose corruption files in all aspec

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Parliamentary Integrity Committee is continuing to collect and expose corruption files in all aspec Empty Parliamentary Integrity Committee is continuing to collect and expose corruption files in all aspec

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Nov 2016, 2:29 am

    [size=30]Parliamentary Integrity Committee is continuing to collect and expose corruption files in all aspects of the state[/size]
    20/11/2016 10:52 | Number of Views: 4
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press / special
    He assured the Parliamentary Integrity Commission member Salah al-Jubouri, said on Sunday that political pressures exist in all aspects of the state institutions, adding that such pressure is not exerted on the Integrity Commission, because it is not an executive and it is also the revealing of corruption.
    Jubouri In an interview with "direction Press," said the core of the work of the Integrity Commission is to collect the special administrative or financial corruption files and referred to the judiciary or the Integrity Commission.
    Jubouri said that the issuance of the resolution is of the duties of the judiciary and the Integrity Commission.He pointed out that a continuing committee to collect and expose corruption files in all aspects of the state, without exception.
    It is said that the Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives plans to interrogate Kpaar state official on the back of his involvement files corruption without mentioning his name, as was stressed by a parliamentary source said: "The Commission is working on the project questioned a senior official in the state, for violating the Constitution and the evidence of his involvement financial and administrative corruption are issues clear and stark. "

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