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    Out of Chapter VII. "The law" criticized the doubters and accuses him of paying Iraqi and Kurdish fe

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    Out of Chapter VII. "The law" criticized the doubters and accuses him of paying Iraqi and Kurdish fe Empty Out of Chapter VII. "The law" criticized the doubters and accuses him of paying Iraqi and Kurdish fe

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 30 Jun 2013, 2:39 pm

    Out of Chapter VII. "The law" criticized the doubters and accuses him of paying Iraqi and Kurdish fears that overseas funds

    Author: MJ
    Editor: BK, RS
    2013/06/30 20: 07


    He denied the State of law Coalition, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Saturday, there was no "secret deals" behind Iraq from Chapter VII, stressing that it is true for the United Nations revealed ", criticising the" skeptics "who" do not wish the success "of the current Government or its Chairman, while the Iraqi list that Iraq" pay "resolution approving the demarcation of the border with Kuwait, and called for hard work to restore the" true "sovereignty and non-interference in the conflict region, Kurdistan Alliance fears over the fate of frozen Iraqi funds and criticized Nations For non-rid Iraq of all restrictions "restricted sovereignty".

    State of law: you can hide the United Nations an agreement of such significance

    He said the State of law Coalition, Shallah, in an interview (range), it is expected that question of "did not say anything positive about Iraq, the decision to take it out of the reach of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations," adding that "the parties did not have voice heard and nothing about the gutted Iraq Safwan tent years and paid a heavy price for the country."

    Shallah added that some consider attempts to eject Iraq from Safwan tent and the invasion of Kuwait's previous system, the mentality of narrow partisan interests to provide everything else and wishes success for the current Government or its President ", adding" but as long as that achieved by Nouri al-Maliki, should we slap to exit Iraq from Chapter VII, although clearly the UN resolution, "he said.

    The Al-Maliki Coalition leadership, "I advise them to wake up from the illusion in which they live and of course not like Iraqis, long and flowing" if they have other agendas, we console them that Iraq succeeded while failed. "

    Shallah asked, "can you hide the United Nations an agreement on the subject, and does it also conspired skeptic."

    The Security Council voted, on Thursday (June 27, 2013), unanimously adopted a decision to eject Iraq from Chapter VII, after more than two decades of sanctions imposed by the former regime following the invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.

    Iraq: serious work is needed to restore the true sovereignty and non-interference in the region's conflicts

    Meanwhile a spokeswoman for Iraq list, Maisoun Al-damlugi, a (range), that "Iraq is not informed whether confidentiality agreements have been concluded between Iraq and the Western countries and Kuwait out of Chapter VII", stating that "part of the price paid by Iraq has agreed with the United Nations by the border with Kuwait.

    Al-damlugi, felt that "Iraqi authorities and UN Declaration Iraq out of hurry Chapter VII, although only partial," and followed with "We congratulate the Iraqi people for that is sacrificed for two decades as a result of the embargo and the loss of sovereignty even arrived to this point."

    Spokeswoman of the Iraqi list, the point itself need to real action to return Iraqi sovereignty and rid of all external influences which she deem lawful or permissible, sovereignty until Iraq Unit became innocent blood is flowing unabated ", calling for" balanced relations with neighboring countries national interest with no intervention in conflicts in the region. "

    Al-damlugi, stressed that there was "a great responsibility lying politicians all immune from what is happening in the region to keep Iraq splits and crises in the region."

    Kurdistan Alliance: United Nations to rid Iraq of all restrictions

    The Prosecutor said the Kurdistan Alliance, Khalid shawani, a (range), "Kuwait is the biggest winner because exit Iraq from Chapter VII because it took what it wanted, despite its excesses our rights", expressing concern about "the fate of frozen Iraqi funds abroad from prosecution some of the parties."

    Shawani, felt that it was "better for the United Nations to rid Iraq of all decisions restricting sovereignty including the implications of Chapter VI".

    Sadr: may not have resolution for concessions is not the prerogative of the present Government

    Sadr, meanwhile, wished to "not be out of Iraq from Chapter VII was for the sale of its land or compromise about things is not the prerogative of the Government without consulting representatives of the people."

    The current leader, responding to one of his followers on his Iraq out of Chapter VII, which received (range) a copy, said Friday, "We hope that Iraq does not have exit from Chapter VII was against selling land and Iraqi concessions on, inter alia, the current Government's powers are not without reference to the representatives of the people, and that there is no separation of SF or other is Iraq to stay late among the Nations."

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in a speech following the vote area so security eject Iraq from Chapter VII, on Thursday that the resolution was "an important step to restore Iraq's international status," he said, adding that the international resolutions "from the past", while the "free Iraq" from the restrictions imposed because of the "Follies" of the previous regime, appealed to all States of the region and the world, "extending a hand of friendship," and stressed that "Iraq can not engage in policy axes And polarities.

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on (18 June), an end to the sanctions imposed on Iraq since its invasion of Kuwait in 1990 under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, in a report to the UN Security Council, the Iraqi and Kuwaiti Governments "were respected and the Elimination of the consequences of that invasion".

    Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, called in (13 June 2013), the United States and Britain, through their ambassadors in Baghdad, Robert Stephen bikrovit, Simon Coles, to support Iraq out of Chapter VII, in Baghdad sought to extend the said consultations with members of the UN Security Council to assist and support Iraq in its quest, and one day after the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, to Baghdad, on top of a large ministerial delegation, Zebari, announced at a joint press conference with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, that Iraq has fulfilled all its obligations under the chapter VII with Kuwait and will move to chapter VI, indicating that Iraq signed with Kuwait six agreements in all fields with Kuwait's Foreign Minister said his country would inform the United Nations that Iraq out of Chapter VII.

    And both Iraq and Kuwait, (28 may 2013), memoranda of understanding concerning arrangements for maintenance of the physical border recruitment and financing the construction of a residential compound in Umm Qasr, where the Kuwaiti side expressed its readiness to help Iraq out of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

    The Foreign Ministry announced in (26 May 2013), Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari signed with Martin Koppel of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of UNAMI in Iraq (time), the agreement on handing over the amount of compensation established by the Security Council in its resolution No. 904 of 1994 to compensate farmers whose farms as a result of the demarcation of the boundary between Iraq and Kuwait during the period between 1991-1994, set out to follow soon another step to build a modern residential city in Umm Qasr for housing Iraqi families affected for the same reason.

    The UN Security Council issued a General (1993) (833) the demarcation of the boundary between Kuwait and Iraq, and along some (216 km), the application of resolution partially under the former regime to carve out vast tracts of Iraqi territory and its annexation to Kuwaiti territory and included land in Safwan and Umm Qasr area since the mid-1990s has become entirely within the boundaries of the State of Kuwait.

    And many Iraqi officials objected after the fall of the former regime in 2003 to complete the demarcation of the land boundary between the two countries in accordance with resolution No. 338, as that decision imposed on Iraq under international pressure and in extraordinary circumstances. And the border area between Iraq and Kuwait early March 2013, demonstrations by the people of Umm Qasr to protest the construction of the separation wall between the two countries and threatened with exposure to the Kuwaitis in the event to continue building, also called the Iraqi Parliament's Basra (12 March 2013), the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait and the United Nations to stop the actions of the new boundary and refused to join the oil wells in the area to the sovereignty of Kuwait until reaching a solution satisfactory to both parties and to reconsider the agreement signed by the previous regime with Kuwait.

    Is subject since Iraq (1990) of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, imposed after the invasion of Saddam Hussein's regime, the State of Kuwait in August of the same year, this item allows the use of force against Iraq as a threat to international security, as well as to freeze large amounts of stock in international banks to pay compensation to those affected by the invasion.

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