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    Sousse Kuwaiti" sweeping orchards of Safwan and threaten thousands of Palm 7

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    Sousse Kuwaiti" sweeping orchards of Safwan and threaten thousands of Palm 7 Empty Sousse Kuwaiti" sweeping orchards of Safwan and threaten thousands of Palm 7

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Feb 2017, 2:30 am

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    "Sousse Kuwaiti" sweeping orchards of Safwan and threaten thousands of Palm 7

     Baghdad / Saja Hashim 

    Plant Protection Department in the Ministry of Agriculture announced a number of practical measures to eliminate the insect "palm weevil" deployed in Basra province and try to control them and prevent their spread. 
    While said district director of Safwan , injured more than 7,000 palm trees with the disease , who moved from orchards in Kuwait. 

    To that , the Basra Governorate Council to take all necessary measures to curb the spread of pests and prevent internal and external trading of palm. 
    A statement of the Ministry of Agriculture said that " the Department of Plant Protection has taken a series of measures to neutralize the scourge of the red weevil coming to Iraq and eliminate them, specifically in the Safwan district in Basra and that infect palm trees and Immediate Action to prevent their spread, including the implementation of a workshop on the insect, as has been clarified emergency response plan of the insect. " 
    The ministry stated that " the workshop came out important recommendations , including the effective and strict application of domestic law of quarantine and external between the counties and districts within the province of Basra between Basra and the rest of the provinces and the application of external quarantine law prevent the import and prevent the entry of any kind of cuttings and palm trees of the countries , especially the neighboring world 's province." 
    A statement of the Ministry of Agriculture to "hold three meetings of the technical committee of the Department of Plant Protection , headed by its Director - General Hamid Ali Hadwan; to discuss and clarify the recommendations and actions taken to prevent the spread of harmful insects." 
    He said students Alhsonh, district director of Safwan, (range) yesterday, "During the past year the saw wounding 600 Nakhla Brahih were reported from the owner of the garden was take all necessary measures from the OSD and told the ministry after the examination was eliminated insect and burned the entire orchard . " . 
    He Alhsonh "There was a high coordination of the ongoing examination of the neighboring orchards to be two or three discovery at the beginning of this month to reach more than 25 orchard infected with this scourge." 
    The general manager of Safwan hand that " the number of infected palm approaching 7,000 palm trees in the orchard 25 extends to a depth of 10 kilometers in the district, today threaten food security for the citizens of Basra." 
    He called the local official of the Ministry of implant and the General Authority for prevention Ban "stands a serious stand and have a field survey of all the orchards and support adequate prevention materials and pesticides section to control this scourge." 
    Furthermore, said Jumaa al - Zaidi, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture in the province of Basra, for (long) that " the insect moved into the province by Kuwait and Iran , which are suffering from this disease." 
    He said Zaidi "After controlling the pest over the past year has resurfaced dramatically in the same area , " pointing out that " the province worked to prevent the circulation of seedlings between the provinces as well as between countries Council so as to prevent their spread , because this Alavrh disastrous and rapid proliferation". 
    He said a member of the Basra Governorate Council "there is no statistical stakeholders about wounding 25 , an orchard but our statistics about injuring 10 orchards," adding that "some of the information is inaccurate and we deal, a news circulating for certain benefits which are imprecise." 
     The President of the Agriculture Committee in the House of Basra , " the need to inform the local authorities in the event of discovery of any symptoms, as well as the provision of global pesticide origins prudent to eliminate the epidemic." 
     The MP Furat al - Tamimi, the head of the Committee on Agriculture, Water and marsh Parliament, warned in January 23 last, the risk of " the scourge of palm weevil" deployed in Kuwait, describing it as " a real threat to the palm groves in Iraq in general and Basra in particular. 
    Tamimi said in a statement "spread in the palm groves of the State of Kuwait when the Iraqi border in the province of Basra and near Safwan area of Umm Qasr border points scourge palm weevil , which is one of the dangerous pest affecting palm, which are difficult to eliminate in the case of spread only through the burning of palms." 
    He called Tamimi , the Foreign Ministry to " move on the Kuwaiti side and coordination with him to control this scourge , "he said , adding that it" is the real threat to the palm groves in Iraq in general , and groves of Basra in particular. " 
    the chairman of the Committee on Agriculture on" the need for the Ministry of Agriculture and the concerned authorities to take action and prevent the entry of palm imported and dates to the country only after making sure of safety from injury this scourge. "
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