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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "Bentley Systems" and "Siemens" conclude a convention to work on the development of planning and des

    Admin Assist
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    "Bentley Systems" and "Siemens" conclude a convention to work on the development of planning and des Empty "Bentley Systems" and "Siemens" conclude a convention to work on the development of planning and des

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Feb 2017, 8:56 am

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    2017/02/19 | 14:40

    (Encyclopedia of the Day News | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) - In the framework of the strategic alliance between the companies ,"Bentley Systems" (Bentley Systems) and "Siemens" (Siemens), which has been recently, "Bentley Systems" announced the Department of Energy Management in the company "Siemens" for signing agreement to jointly develop solutions to accelerate the digitization of planning, design and operation of the energy and industrial energy facilities. 

    "Bentley Systems" and the company is a leader in providing software solutions for the development ofinfrastructure. 

    We will first of these new solutions to integrate capabilities , "Bentley Systems" in the design of facilities and geographic information systems with simulation energy company "Siemens", ie with a specific set of energy transport and distribution and industrial plants system solutions group. 

    And allows the combination of these two platforms for customers to take advantage of the company "Bentley" experience in the field of three - dimensional modeling of the assets of the infrastructure and geographic information system as well as experience , "Siemens" and experience in the field of planning and simulation of energy systems operation.

    Said Ralf Christian, CEO of the Department of Energy Management in the company "Siemens": "represents the direction of the energy sector to decentralize a great challenge at the same time an opportunity for energy producers and consumers alike, which will contribute to our strategic alliance with the company , " Bentley Systems "in helping customers to utilize more better than this changing reality by integrating powerful solutions together. 

    We share with the "Bentley" commitment to openness and interoperability work in common purpose to help our customers work functioning digital management within their own supply chain. "

    For his part, Bobandar Singh, product manager at the company , "Bentley Systems" , said: "We are delighted to be working with the company" Siemens "in order to help users of energy facilities on the progress in the digital domain. 

    The complete experience" Siemens "in the field of planning and simulation of electric power systems solutions geographical positioning system and engineering infrastructure that we offer, where we will work together to deliver new innovations and tangible benefits to users of our products around the world. "

    And it requires distributed energy resources such as small networks Bnmtiha outside the network and within the network, more advanced planning approaches to ensure system reliability and stability. 

    And will integrate the solution design energy facilities "Open Utilities' networks and geographic information system of the " Bentley "with a simulation of the power system from the company" Siemens "and private energy planning systems in order to facilitate workflow and integrate data, while providing the necessary support for network design optimized for operational purposes and economic development . 

    Through the presence of interconnected information environment, engineers can help utilities now get the added benefit of the participation of the important design information to reduce the time spent in design and construction costs in order to provide the latest comprehensive and accurate information about the utility networks.

    In addition, it will provide "Siemens" and "Bentley" initiative components "Siemens" smart to replace the application of the "Sabestishn" from the "Bentley" three - dimensional modeling, while will provide smart electrical symbols of detail required to prepare a comprehensive report on the two - dimensional sub-station schematic design. 

    It will also be available for users of "Bentley" solutions , the ability to access a comprehensive list of ingredients "Siemens" through cloud services for the company , "Bentley".

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