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    Parliament blocks consider four drafts of the law of the House of Representatives elections

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament blocks consider four drafts of the law of the House of Representatives elections Empty Parliament blocks consider four drafts of the law of the House of Representatives elections

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 May 2017, 2:12 am

    Parliament blocks consider four drafts of the law of the House of Representatives elections

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

    Cabinet vote on the parliamentary elections law, last week, the Parliament is facing a real crisis for consideration by 4 draft laws regulating the parliamentary ballot scheduled for next year.
    Announced Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, during the conference last week, for the adoption of the Council of Ministers may amend the election of the House of Representatives law in force after extensive discussion of the articles amended law.
    But members of the Legal Committee denied informing them of the government draft , despite the passage of days on the announcement, stressing that all projects received by the Commission is a ideas and proposals need to study a political agreement.
    In turn , revealed a government source familiar with some of the details contained in the government amendments to the House of Representatives election law.
    The source, who spoke (range) on condition of anonymity for not authorized to declare that " the draft included changes in the electoral system and the method of distribution of seats adopted on the St. LEGO rate that begins with 1,7,3,5,7,9 system. .. ".
    The deployment of the House Elections Law No. (45) for the year 2013 seats on the competing lists according to the system of St. lego rate, by dividing the valid votes for lists of competing serial numbers (1.6, 3, 5.7, 9) and the number of allocated constituency seats.
    According to the government source, the "Council of Ministers held amendments to the House of Representatives Elections Law No. (45) for the year 2013 determining the age of the candidate and certificate of study and the number of candidates in electoral districts , which will be based on a single constituency for each province based on the open list."
    The government source confirms "there are a lot of changes occurred in the law in force is to define the age of the candidate for the parliamentary elections thirty years that have obtained a minimum or equivalent Bachelor 's degree."
    The source said " the nomination would be a way that the open list that the number of candidates for the elections , the specified number one constituency," but predicted that " the government draft , subject to other amendments by the Committee on the House of Representatives before the approval of the law."
    The government source describes the new amendments to the election of the House bill as "urgent", stressing that " the version sent by the presidency to the parliament by many of the objections which prompted the government led to the amendment of the law in
    In the same context, MP Kamel al - Zaidi, a member of the Legal Committee confirms in a statement (term) yesterday that " the draft presidential law has not been supported by the majority of the political blocs , which expressed reservations on the electoral system and the way the division of votes , " adding that " the points of contention that contained in the draft of the presidency need consensus between the blocks of maturation. "
    And it announced that the Presidency of the Republic, last February, sending a draft election for the House of Representatives in 2018 to the Parliament Act. Under the draft of the mixed system was adopted in the distribution of seats equally between the winning blocs and the top losers, it also proposes lowering the candidacy age to the age of 25 and only junior high school certificate.
    The proposed draft also be the "president of the republic is the one who sets the election date after coordination with the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Electoral Commission before the date of the ballot no later than ninety days.
    The (range) revealed, last February, political leaks are talking about ( a Shiite veto ) lifted the National Alliance generally draft prepared by the presidency for the Law of the parliamentary elections because of objections to the electoral system.
    draws Zaidi to "the existence of understandings between the legal Committee in the House of Representatives and the legal adviser to the presidency of the Republic Prince Kanani on the formation of a mini joint committee to discuss points of disagreement Yeh and reservations blocks that hampered passing a draft presidential law in parliament. "
    Criticized the coalition of state law bloc, earlier, strongly version prepared by the Presidency of the Republic, accusing the Liberal bloc have detailed draft of the size of the Sadrist movement, through his work as a consultant in the Presidency of the Republic.
    In turn , denies MP Hassan Shammari, the other member of the legal Committee, informed the committee on the draft electoral law drawn up by the government.
    He says Shammari, in connection with (range) yesterday that "next Tuesday will be a discussion of amendments sent to the electoral law by the government to parliament within law Commission Of. "
    He said a member of the Legal Committee , "There are differences between the problems of most of the political blocs on the electoral system, causing obstruction to pass the draft presidency in the House of Representatives."
    Shammari draws to "the existence of a proposal submitted by the House of Representatives election law before him carrying the signatures of seventy deputies, as well as another proposal submitted by the political bloc to the Legal Committee , which began Bdrasthma with a copy of the Presidency of the Republic." Shammari revealed that " the number of drafts of the parliamentary election law within the Legal Committee reached four drafts with the government 's new draft."
    He continues , former justice minister , saying that " the Legal Committee will review all of these drafts in order to reach an agreed upon by all the blocks in the House version."
    Confirms MP Hassan Shammari said , "these four copies is ideas you need to study and discussion before the adoption of a law regulating the upcoming parliamentary elections."

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