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    Political deal postpones vote of confidence in electoral commission 45 days

    Admin Assist
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    Political deal postpones vote of confidence in electoral commission 45 days Empty Political deal postpones vote of confidence in electoral commission 45 days

    Post by Rocky Sat 13 May 2017, 1:43 am

    Political deal postpones vote of confidence in electoral commission 45 days

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

    A deal concluded by the Liberal bloc parties with a request to withdraw confidence from the Electoral Commission 's policy until 45 days, after that was postponed was scheduled at a hearing Tuesday.
    Under the deal to abide by the political forces and the Committee of Experts to submit a new Parliamentary Commission of the Council before the Council of Representatives during the agreed period.
    As it required under the initial agreement, which will vote by the House of Representatives soon, to prevent the current members of the Board of Commissioners from running for a second session, to be the dismissal of the current commission and vote on the new Board of Commissioners in one sitting way , "one basket."
    Despite the denial of the existence of such a deal between the political parties, the Committee of Experts confirm that it will end its work early next month of July, arguing that the period of deferment in the event of delivery existence is sufficient to provide the new Board of Commissioners in Parliament.
    The House voted two weeks ago, not to the conviction of the Electoral Commission Council answers. It favored one vote camp is convinced B119 answers the Commission votes against the latest, compared to 118 in its favor, and 15 deputies preferred to retain the white ballot papers.
    Under the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives, to put confidence in the administrator of the week after the questioner vote on the conviction Bojobth, provided that the request is made of 50 deputies.
    They sat the House of Representatives did not include, for on Tuesday and Wednesday, the inclusion of a vote of confidence Commission Council, which promotes the presence of a political deal to delay the dismissal of the Board of Commissioners to other parliamentary sessions.
    Confirms MP Magda Tamimi, a member of the Liberal bloc, which adopted the interrogation, they made more than a week in the light of the legal and constitutional periods signed by 70 deputies to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives a request for a vote of confidence electoral commission. "And talked about" many scenarios put forward by political parties demanding to postpone the removal session for about a month. "
    adds Tamimi, in a statement to (range) yesterday that" the political agreement to postpone the dismissal of the election commission for a period of almost a month in exchange for the parliamentary Committee of experts 's commitment to the Council of new commissioners to the parliament names during the period of deferment. "
    She said a member of the block Liberal that "a period of For the month agreed upon has entered into force on Tuesday and will end in the first week of next June , "asserting that" the agreement with the majority of the political blocs in the House of Representatives is conditional not to re - nomination of the members of the Electoral Commission of current to the new Board of Commissioners. "
    It was a political source high detection, (range), on Wednesday, for almost a consensus adopted by the political blocs to keep the Council of the electoral Commission official until the end of its mandate in exchange for a radical change in the electoral law.
    The Liberals are betting on the Sadrist bloc holds divisions between the majority of parliamentary blocs and last minute negotiations continue to gain hesitant to its side blocs in a vote of confidence Commission session.
    Confirms MP Majid al - Tamimi said , "dialogues take place in a calm and continuous between the majority of the political blocs in order to adjust the political agreement , which aims to dismiss the current commission and the election of a new Commission", stressing that "this agreement will be written between the political blocs in order to ensure that achieved in the House of Representatives."
    He draws a member of the Finance Committee that " the dismissal of the current commission and vote on the new Board of Commissioners will be in one session." She noted that " the agreement will dispel all fears that claim by well - known that blocks the overthrow of electoral commission would cause a constitutional and legal vacuum."
    Tamimi stresses " to provide seven members of the current Board of Commissioners nominations to the Committee on Parliamentary President of the Council of Experts , except Serbest Mustafa and Mohsen al - Musawi," pointing out that "in the event of entering the House of Representatives legislative holiday we will call for an emergency session to dismiss the Electoral Commission."
    In the same context, Haidar al - Mulla, a member of the dialogue bloc's say (range), that "Ktltna presented the vision to resolve the electoral commission crisis after it caused a split parliamentary blocs between dismissive and a supporter of the survival of the current Board of Commissioners , " noting that "this vision aims to end the state of division between the blocks parliamentary ".
    Al Mulla explained that " the agreement to postpone the withdrawal of confidence from the Electoral Commission session for 45 days to be resolved during this political blocs period , the Committee of Experts the names of the candidates for the new Council of the Electoral Commission , " pointing out that "this agreement is conditional against the nomination of the current commission members to the new Council" .
    The mass of the rule of law revealed, earlier, about the existence of a deal, the Sadrist bloc requires obtaining the votes of the Sunni blocs in exchange for withdrawing Astjwaben submitted against the Ministers of Education and Agriculture belonging to the Union of Forces.
    He continued Haider Mulla said , "If you choose a new election Commission to dismiss the need no longer be the current commission and Sndtlavy constitutional vacuum and the law invoked by some political blocs cause." And between that "in the case did not reach the political blocs and the Committee of Experts to the selection of a new board of commissioners we will go to the dismissal of the current commission."
    He says the leadership of the Union forces that "Citizen blocks and the Union of Iraqi forces and the wing Abadi and even deputies from Nuri al - Maliki wing, and the Sadrists and the Kurdish blocs all with this new agreement , " pointing out that " the subject is still under discussion and will be approved in the House of Representatives."
    In turn , denies the Committee of Experts parliamentary knowledge of this deal linking the dismissal of the current commission to choose a new board of commissioners, saying they are working on time according to the agreed ceilings on ending the beginning of next September.
    Says committee member Hassan Turan, (range) yesterday that "work within the Committee of Experts continuing to review all candidates forms and choose the most efficient among them , " he said, adding that " the next stage will be the interview candidates to choose the best for the Board of Commissioners."
    The Committee formed a 29 - member to choose the members of the Electoral Commission in the month of January. The National Alliance won 14 seats, compared to 7 seats in the Sunni component, and 6 seats for the Kurds, and two seats for each of the two components of Turkmen and Christian.
    But MP Zana Said, Rapporteur of the Committee of Experts, stressed that " the names of the new election commission will be ready for the beginning of the month of July in front of the House of Representatives , " stressing that the period of the "45 days is sufficient to complete the work of the Parliamentary Committee of Experts."
    He says a Kurdish lawmaker, told ( the term), that "next week , interviews will be conducted for applicants to choose the best among them and then send their names in the month of Ramadan to the accountability and justice and higher education for scrutiny and then presented before the House of Representatives."
    In a related context, rejection of the National Alliance, during a meeting on Thursday, the extension of the current work of the Electoral Commission, stressing the need to expedite the selection of new commissioners.
    A statement by the Office of the President of the Alliance Ammar al - Hakim that "the leadership of the National Alliance held its regular meeting and discussed the developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region and the developments of the battle are coming, Nineveh and victories achieved in the last few days and near the declaration of final victory over Daesh."
    The new participants, according to the statement, "emphasizing the importance of political progress associated with the security project mosque and reassuring all that focused post Daesh on security and development and intellectual processors."
    She stressed the leadership of the alliance , "the rejection of any extension of the current work of the Electoral Commission, and stressed the need to expedite the work of the Committee of Experts for the selection of new members of the Commission." The renewed emphasis on the need to "accelerate the formation of the political committee for dialogue with the Kurdistan region and the development of standards and themes and timings for its work."
    The statement pointed out that the "meeting of the leadership of the National Alliance Commission, discuss the most important flaws in the general amnesty law submitted by the government and make the necessary recommendations so."

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