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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A government source: the large number of companies are competitive environment to provide the best s


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    A government source: the large number of companies are competitive environment to provide the best s Empty A government source: the large number of companies are competitive environment to provide the best s

    Post by chouchou Thu 03 Oct 2013, 3:54 am

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    Announced that the Department of Registrar of Companies in the Ministry of Commerce recording a total of 246 national companies and foreign countries during the month of September last. Said Director General of the Department of Registration of Companies Agency Adnan Tahir Saeed told (morning) that the growing number of companies registered for various economic activities, the phenomenon of economic good that will move the economy and stimulate the productive sectors and other businesses in the country.

    He added that a number of national companies that have been recorded in September reached 209 limited local companies, including two twin projects. Stressing that individual projects (Kalorh the small industrial plants) contribute to the operation of manpower and provide a national production for the domestic market as well as the revitalization of the sectors of transport, storage and rents what generates economic movement in the country.

    Said pointed out that many companies generate competitive situation with each other to provide the best productions and services to the citizens and therefore contribute to the realization of profits as well as gain the confidence of the consumer what gives it an incentive to continue and remain in competition with the rest of the companies.

    Foreign Companies

    He pointed out that the number of foreign companies that have been recorded during the month of September amounted to 37 companies specialized in the field of oil and reconstruction of infrastructure as well as other companies of different economic activities. He said the last month of August saw a record 40 foreign companies.

    The Ministry of Commerce organized last August the first conference of the draft administrative reform in the presence of a number of characters dealing aspect of trade and economic, during which the launch of the introduction of the single window in the registration of foreign companies and national collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development to work the draft thread for solutions and legislative and administrative reforms.

    Single window

    He noted glad that the system of single window in the registration of foreign companies and national would improve the registration process in particular, and it saves time and effort on both auditors and staff of our circle alike, pointing out that the adoption of digital technology in the completion of transactions would be more accurate to provide the database for companies to Besides being a limit of commentators phenomenon recording transactions. Adding when it facilitates the process of recording foreign and national companies, it would reflect positively on the investment side of the country and to achieve economic development.

    The first phase

    And the Director-General of the agency that the completion of the single window in this process requires the cooperation of other parties Kalheiih General of Taxation and the placement of a notary as well as providing a single building and allocations sufficient for the purpose of implementing the picture planned, adding that he initiated the implementation of the first phase of this system the opening of a branch of the Rasheed Bank in Baghdad International Fair, hoping the whole project to be completed soon because it is feasible and gains of the Iraqi economy. Adding that his department established a special location electronically, within the first phase of the single window, to provide useful information and assistance in the establishment of a national company or recording branch Omketb the trade representation of a foreign company in Iraq. Indicating that the site also contains a search function that enables users to determine whether the company is registered in our circle or not.

    Forms and instructions

    Said announced availability of registration forms (establish) a national or foreign in this location with the relevant ministerial instructions. Noting that there is a form to leave the commercial agents. He explained that it is possible to apply for any kind of recordings over the Internet for the initial review, the Chamber shall notify the applicant by e-mail for any deficiency is found can be corrected before actually submitting the application with the documents.

    Laws and legislation

    He added: At the site the Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 as amended in 2004, as well as ministerial instructions for the registration of companies, issued in 2004, as well as a number of major laws and regulations related to business. Adding function allows search the site by entering the company name to see that the name is registered (or that it reserved) in our circle, and its registration number, shape and type of business.

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