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    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets

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    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets Empty European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Dec 2017, 8:29 am

    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets
    10-12-2017 03:26 PM    

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    Baghdad News -

    After the confirmation of Prime Minister Haider Abadi on the end of the organization of a preacher in Iraq and eliminate it completely, declaring the day of 'great victory', is accelerating some European countries to line up in line waiting to open the doors to enter the Iraqi markets. 

    The Swedish ambassador to Iraq, Ponts Melander, told a joint press conference with the governor of Dhi Qar on Sunday that Swedish companies are already willing to enter the Iraqi market, especially the stable ones, particularly the province of Dhi Qar, which owns The investment elements are great and promising. 

    He pointed out that the embassy is communicating with Swedish companies on a continuous basis for the purpose of returning to the Iraqi market, especially those that have previous works and stopped for various reasons. 

    The Swedish Ambassador expressed his congratulations to the Iraqi people on the occasion of the 'Declaration of full liberation and the National Day of Victory on Terrorism'.

    For his part, said the governor of Dhi Qar Yahya al-Naciri, to provide a safe environment and support Swedish investment companies that want to work in the province, pointing out that the visit of the Swedish ambassador to the province of Dhi Qar, is an affirmation of positive relations between Iraq and Sweden, and the Swedish ambassador with the provinces Including Dhi Qar, so it is a good opportunity to invite Swedish companies and investors to enter the promising market. 

    He added that Iraq is waiting for active participation of Sweden in the conference of donor countries for the reconstruction of Iraq, which will be held in Kuwait soon, and looks forward to support Dhi Qar also to stimulate the movement of investment, tourism and reconstruction. 

    He pointed out that during his meeting with the Swedish Ambassador, he discussed several files, including inviting investment companies to participate effectively in the oil file in the province, cultural and tourism files, political situation and other files.

    Sweden is one of the European countries that intends to enter the Iraqi market since the start of the land reclamation operations of the organization is urging, where repeated statements in Sweden, Sweden's desire to invest effectively in the country.

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    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets Empty Re: European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets

    Post by Diamond Mon 11 Dec 2017, 11:06 am

    Don't go there az  freak
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    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets Empty Re: European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets

    Post by KJWAYNE Mon 11 Dec 2017, 11:36 am

    As soon as outside countries can start putting their money to work in Iraq then we might see the start of the MP really moving ! 
      I,m as ready as a house cat at the back door !

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    European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets Empty Re: European countries are rushing to line up waiting to open doors to enter Iraqi markets

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