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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents

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    World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents Empty World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents

    Post by Rocky Fri 20 Dec 2013, 12:27 pm

    World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents

    Today at 9:54 am

    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    The World Bank approved on Friday to lend to Iraq about 355 million dollars to finance the projects, transport routes and navigation system space (GPS), noting that the project aims to reduce road accidents by 25%, and as pointed out it will connect Iraq with neighboring countries in the north and the south and west, and deepen trade and regional integration, stressed that Iraq is suffering from the highest rates of road accidents in the world.

    The World Bank said in a report on its Web site and briefed him (range Press), "The Board of Executive Directors approved a loan to the Iraqi government worth 355 million dollars to finance the projects, transportation routes," noting that "the new project aims to reduce road accidents by (25%). "

    The bank said that "the project would be through the corridors linking Iraq with neighboring countries in the north and the south and west, and will improve the quality and safety of road accidents with the promotion of national unity and to deepen regional trade integration."

    The Bank noted that "the project will be implemented in conjunction with the Iraqi government, which would contribute $ 384 million with the Islamic Development Bank, which will provide the amount of 217 million dollars as a first stage."

    The report quoted the director of the World Bank's regional Middle East Fred Belhadj for this project, saying, "This will contribute to the project, which covers the main road in the country to facilitate the movement of trade between the provinces of Iraq and neighboring countries, and will lead to a strengthening of economic growth and improve the quality of services along the trade corridors International through which most of the movement of goods and trade exchanges. "

    Regarding the role of the project in reducing accidents and promote traffic safety Belhadj explained, "Iraq now suffers from one of the highest rates of road accidents in the world, and will result in the rehabilitation of highways to improve the level of safety and shorten travel time and travel."

    He Belhadj, "as travelers and citizens will be able to report any accident on the road using their mobile phones and technology in the global system user positioning the GPS".

    The report also pointed out that "the long years of war have led to the poor quality of the transport network, which extends for about 48 thousand km, as well as poor management of the maintenance of the roads, which led to the increasing rate of traffic accidents," noting that "about six thousand deaths occurred during the year 2010 as a result of traffic accidents, or perhaps twice that number, according to estimates by the World Health Organization. "

    He continues, the World Bank in its report that "Iraq occupies the first rank in the list of the highest rates of deaths from road accidents on a global level, comes in second place at the regional level," noting that "the proportion of the number of deaths due to traffic accidents during the year 2010 was 32 deaths per 100 thousand people. "

    The report predicted that "the situation is getting worse traffic safety and cast a heavy burden on the ability of the government to bear the cost of transportation management and health care expenditures and disability and reduce the unemployment rate."

    The report notes that "the new project focuses on building the capacity of national institutions to enable the Iraqi cadres of planning infrastructure projects and management of implementation and maintenance, and will brief the participants, in particular the methods of modern management methods and procedures of international procurement and financial management and prevention measures, environmental and social."

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced on Monday (21 May 2012), for approval of the project supervising committee to create a system of tracking vehicles equipped with GPS, with the Committee recommended the project to adopt the Department of Transportation project implementation and management of the association with international organizations competent.

    The International GPS (GPS) is a navigation system in space provides users with accurate information and three-dimensional clock, whatever the climatic conditions.

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    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 60
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    World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents Empty Re: World Bank agrees to lend Iraq $ 355 million for "reducing the high rates of road accidents

    Post by Neno Fri 20 Dec 2013, 1:01 pm

    With over 7 billion earned last month alone from oil revenues, guess the WTO lian is for credit establishment.... ;)

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