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    Iran requires Washington to return to the nuclear agreement to dialogue with them

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iran requires Washington to return to the nuclear agreement to dialogue with them Empty Iran requires Washington to return to the nuclear agreement to dialogue with them

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jul 2018, 3:02 am

    Iran requires Washington to return to the nuclear agreement to dialogue with them
    Iran requires Washington to return to the nuclear agreement to dialogue with them Irq_1205603557_1533023318
    Follow - up / ... announced that the Iranian president 's advisor Hamid Abu - seekers, on Tuesday, requiring his country to the United States, to return to the nuclear deal before sitting with them at the dialogue table.
    This came in response to "Abu Talibi," the statement of US President Donald Trump, about his willingness to meet with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rowhani without preconditions.
    "Respect for the rights of the Iranian nation, the reduction of hostilities and the return of the United States to the nuclear agreement will pave the way for talks," Abu Talibi said in a tweet on Twitter.
    During a press conference on Monday with Italian Prime Minister Josep Conte at the White House, Trump expressed his willingness to meet with Iranian officials "at any time they wanted without conditions."
    "I believe in meetings, especially with regard to wars," Trump said when asked if he was willing to meet Iranian President Hassan Rowhani. "Nothing is wrong to meet."
    In his speech, Trump referred to his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, in addition to his recent summit with NATO, despite differences between him and them in their views.
    Trump had announced on May 8 withdrawal from the agreement, which restricts Iran's nuclear program in peaceful uses in return for the lifting of Western sanctions on Tehran.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 9:12 pm