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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

    Hatem George Hatem *: Measuring the effect of changing the dinar exchange rate against the dollar on

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    Hatem George Hatem *: Measuring the effect of changing the dinar exchange rate against the dollar on Empty Hatem George Hatem *: Measuring the effect of changing the dinar exchange rate against the dollar on

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Aug 2018, 3:46 am

    Hatem George Hatem *: Measuring the effect of changing the dinar exchange rate against the dollar on the gap between the total sum of revenues of the Iraqi general budget and the total of its expenses -

    article is too big to translate fully


    A brief description of the research

    The interest of this research paper is limited to its first part in two things. The first is to determine the objectives of the research and to establish the definition that you adopt for the variable around which the research is centered, ie exchange rate The Iraqi Dinar; the second is to explain the methodology adopted by the paper in the analysis. 

    The second part of the paper focuses on clarifying the mechanism of determining the dinar exchange rates against foreign currencies in Iraq and highlighting the pivotal role in this mechanism for the specific exchange rate of the dinar, ie the dinar exchange rate against the dollar according to the window / auction of the Central Bank of Iraq and the dinar exchange rate according to the local market. 

    After highlighting the importance of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar in accordance with the window / auction of the Central Bank of the Iraqi public budget, the paper in this section tends to present these particulars for both the revenue side and the expenditure side of the general budget responsible for the difference in the overall effect of each of these two sides to the change in price Exchange of this dinar. 

    The third part of the paper was dedicated For the mathematical analysis of the impact of the change in the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar in accordance with the window / auction Central Bank on both sides of the Iraqi budget after taking into account the specifics of each item. And this analysis of the people of research to reach a number of conclusions expressed mathematically and useful in making appropriate decisions on the course of exchange rates of the dinar against the dollar in general and the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar under the window / auction CBI in particular. 

    The paper presents in its fourth part a case study in which mathematical analysis equations are used for the effect of the devaluation of the dinar against the dollar in accordance with the Central Bank auction (9.09%) on the total of the general budget revenues for 2016, It is clear from this application that such a reduction in the dinar exchange rate according to the Central Bank auction leads to a reduction of the budget deficit by ( 23.6)%). 

    In the latter part, the researcher lists what he considered to be the most important conclusions reached in this paper. 

     To download the search as PDF read and print, click on the following link

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