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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Sulaiti: The allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated a

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    Al-Sulaiti: The allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated a Empty Al-Sulaiti: The allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated a

    Post by Rocky Fri 08 Feb 2019, 9:11 am

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    Al-Sulaiti: The allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated and an investigation must be opened

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    11:57 - 17 November
    Last updated
    12:21 - 17 November

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    BAGHDAD / Al-Ghad Press: 

    A member of the House of Representatives on the mass of Surson, Sadiq al-Sulaiti, on Saturday, to open an investigation of the cost of the building of the Central Bank, which amounts to 1 trillion dinars, indicating that this amount equivalent to what was allocated to import the ration card items.

    "We demand an immediate and urgent investigation involving a parliamentary committee with the Prime Minister, the Integrity Commission, the Office of the Inspector-General and the Office of Financial Supervision to investigate the project of the building of the Iraqi Central Bank at a cost of 1 trillion," al-Sulaiti said in a statement. Iraqi dinars in the most difficult conditions of austerity, "noting that" this amount is equivalent to what was allocated to the ration card. " 

    Al-Sulaiti pointed out that "a number of observations were first recorded after reviewing only one document of the project and the most prominent under conditions of war and austerity." He pointed to "the critical reasons for allocating funds in 2015 to proceed with the design and construction of the Central Bank building in 2010."

    He pointed out that "this high-cost project has not been announced as a global tender and inviting international companies to compete, and the choice in the time of austerity on the Azerbaijani company amount (1 trillion Iraqi dinars), which is imaginary compared to a building project provides services for one institution only and this amount is enough to build 1000 School, "considering that" waste of public money and neglect of sensitive projects and service mission that has stopped, and the project to obtain an exception from the Committee on Economic Affairs on the assignment and exemption from the instructions to implement government contracts No. 2/2014, what reasons called for exception from the decision of the Council of Ministers bitter 347 m for the year 2015, which stopped working projects and customs clearance No. 30 for the year 2015.

    Al-Sulaiti was surprised by the "exception of the project from the suspension of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Council of Ministers," noting that "the most important water projects that stopped all over Iraq and caused a painful thirst crisis in Basra and our southern regions, and electricity projects that were stopped because of the financial crisis, , And the hospitals that have stopped, including the Turkish hospital in Nasiriyah, which reached a completion rate of 94% and stopped because of the lack of customizations, and provide daily sustenance to the Iraqi citizen through the ration card, which has not enough allocations for 8 months only. 

    He asked "how to plan for the successful reconstruction by allocating (half a trillion) to the regional development plan for all provinces and all sectors while allocating (1 trillion) to the building of the Central Bank." He called on the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the Integrity Commission. And uncover the facts. "

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Sulaiti: The allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated a Empty Sulaiti: allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated

    Post by Rocky Fri 08 Feb 2019, 9:15 am

    Sulaiti: allocation of 1 trillion dinars to the building of the Central Bank is exaggerated
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    Called a member of the House of Representatives on the block of Sadiq Sadiq al-Sulaiti, on Saturday, to open an investigation of the cost of the building of the Central Bank, which amounts to 1 trillion dinars, indicating that this amount is equivalent to the allocation of the ration card items.
    Al-Sulaiti said in a statement received by the "Trend Press" on a copy of it, that it was contained in the government program in the section (fight corruption and public waste) to "pursue the corrupt and to restrict them by all legitimate means and reveal them, whatever their positions and punish them." Therefore, we call for an immediate and urgent By a parliamentary committee with the Prime Minister and the Integrity Commission and the Office of the Inspector General and the Office of Financial Supervision to investigate the project building the Central Bank of Iraq, which cost 1 trillion Iraqi dinars in the most difficult conditions of austerity, indicating that this amount is equivalent to what was allocated to the ration card.
    He pointed out that a number of observations were made first after reviewing only one document of the project. The most prominent of which is that under the conditions of war and austerity, what are the critical reasons for allocating funds in 2015 to proceed with the design and construction of the Central Bank building in 2010 and why it did not include suspension according to the decision of the Council of Ministers Projects in the whole country because of the austerity, and what is the cost of preparing the field study of the requirements of the Central Bank and contracting with an office and were according to the criteria of trade-offs and controls in force? What is the cost of preparing the designs for the building? Has an Australian investment group with the technical supervision of the stages of the preparation of tender documents implementation and evaluation for the selection of the company executing and supervising and what is the mechanism?, And what is the cost of the contract with them? And the criteria for choosing that company and whether the advisory offices of the Iraqi universities and the competent ministries such as planning and housing failed to cooperate in the field
    He added that this high-cost project has not been announced as a global tender and inviting international companies to compete ?, and the choice in the time of austerity on the Azerbaijani company amount of (1 trillion Iraqi dinars), which is imaginary compared to a project building provides services for one institution only and this amount is enough to build 1000 schools , This is not considered a waste of public money and neglect of sensitive projects and service mission that has stopped, and the project to obtain an exception from the Committee on Economic Affairs on the assignment and exemption from the instructions to implement government contracts No. 2 of 2014, what reasons called for exception from the decision of the Council of Ministers Download 347 for the year 2015 that halted work projects and it Diwani No. 30 of the year 2015.
    Al-Sulaiti was surprised by the exclusion of the project from the suspension of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Council of Ministers. This means that it is more important than the water projects that have stopped all over Iraq and caused the painful thirst crisis in Basra and our southern regions, electricity projects that have been suspended due to the financial crisis and the government resorting to privatization projects due to austerity, Which will rise with every drop will fall this winter, and the construction of schools and equipped with trips and school supplies under the dwindling and growing mud schools, and hospitals that have stopped, including the Turkish Hospital in Nasiriyah, which reached 94% completion rate and stopped because of lack of Customizations, and provide daily sustenance for the Iraqi people through the ration card that was not enough for 8 months T_khasisatha only a year.
    He asked how to plan the successful reconstruction by allocating only half a trillion to the regional development plan for all provinces and all sectors while allocating 1 trillion for the Central Bank building. He called on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, the Integrity Commission, the Office of the Inspector General and the Public Prosecution to take quick and decisive action.
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