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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 May 2019, 2:53 am

    First topic message reminder :

    [size=30]Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy[/size]
    05/05/2019 06:59 PM | Number of readings:
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    Jasper Sharifi
     Economic stability is one of the basic pillars of the sovereignty of any country because it is directly related to the lives of citizens. Development plans and development programs are designed   for the purpose of achieving it within the general budgets of the country.
    The Iraqi economy lost after 2003 and deliberately its main components, as it witnessed the disappearance and the complete absence of the national product and the closure of factories and productive plants and the demobilization of thousands of workers and the spread of unemployment and the transformation of the Iraqi economy to a rental economy depends entirely on oil exports. It is noted that the Iraqi markets are full of consumer goods imported from neighboring countries and can be manufactured locally such as dairy products, sweets and various electrical goods, which drain a lot of the general budget of the country in addition to the huge volume of sales of the Central Bank of foreign currency, which amounts to more than (a quarter billion dollars a day) which go to waste from an account or sergeant (is it acted to buy plants or plants with an economic dimension can move the economy and development within the country), but go Kaamullac in the pockets of brokers on the one hand and support the authorities , political parties , influential   and perhaps d M  And the financing of terrorism on the other hand and the many evidences can not be mentioned and after the bitter events experienced by the country and knows the distressed and the state must put the appropriate plans for an industrial renaissance through which the movement of the economy again, although the beginning difficult, but the journey of a thousand miles start a step.
     The first step to move the Iraqi economy is to start the country by enhancing the food security of the country by allowing the private sector to establish factories and dairy factories and to provide facilities and guarantees to non-owners of capital by granting them leave to work and provide tax exemptions for five  The study confirms that the actual need of Iraq to (100 hundred factories) for the dairy industry and a card (40 tons - 50 tons) per day to meet the needs of the country and the establishment of these factories does not take long and provide employment opportunities by ( 20000 thousand work opportunity) and contribute to the development of livestock and the expansion of agricultural land and increase the income of farmers and the recycling of the local currency in the Iraqi market and raise the value and maintain the hard currency and exploitation of other resources and stimulate the establishment of animal feed plants, which means new jobs and the second step is to stimulate Farmers are encouraged to set up fields to raise livestock and poultry for the purpose of providing meat and table eggs by granting them agricultural loans, provided that they are placed under supervision and ensure that they are implemented for projects and that the accountant and the violator are held accountable so that self-sufficiency and importation of meat and eggs is achieved.
     That the achievement of these projects does not require a magic wand or a miracle, but requires a strong political will and keys to the solutions of these projects in the hands of the Prime Minister because he is a well-known economist and has a clear vision and a great understanding of this subject and that the masses rely on it much because it lost confidence in the ministers and officials of the state They follow the whims of their blocs and their political loyalty to the candidates. The implementation of these projects is a severe blow to the corrupters who seized public money by illegal means and considered Iraq a yard for disposal of their products and will force them to turn their factories and invest their money inside the country. Om pinned on the person of the Prime Minister in achieving economic well-being and the development of the country's capacity and accommodate the increasing numbers of working hands through economic integration and attention to the development of the industrial and agricultural sector and open up broad prospects for a better future.

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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by chouchou Tue 07 May 2019, 11:26 am

    Good reminder Lobo thanks. And as always thanks soooooooooooooo much Rocky!!!

    Posts : 1858
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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Proven Tue 07 May 2019, 12:51 pm

    Lobo wrote:Don't forget that at the end of April, Iraq Trade Bank opened its office in Saudi Arabia (biggggg deal) and said it would be operational by MID-MAY - can't be operational with a program rate.  The Bank also said it planned on opening one in Turkey.  The PM has said that the purchasing power of the currency would be enhanced during this legislative term (which ends the end of May or first part of June - articles can't seem to figure out just when it ends).  There was an article by the IMF calling out Iraq and telling them to increase the value of the currency or no more loans AND TO STOP THE AUCTIONS (OR CHANGE THEM TO STOP THE BLEED).  The CBI has said that the banks (BANKS not just the CBI) are now able to transmit funds internationally - instantly and globally - that would be wire transfer (don't forget currency transfers are digital).  Don't forget they have been working on this for a long time.  There is cable running through the Persian Gulf, the Med. Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean from the USA to Europe.  I think we will see all of this soon, it has been a long ride but Iraq knows it is on the cusp, failure now would be a disaster - the people have been told this is going to happen.  The CBI has been having seminars regarding the new banking for months, they just finished the financial inclusion week (many banks were involved and it was throughout Iraq) where people opened banks accounts and used their (mattress) currency to do so.  They gave out prepayment cards as gifts - stressed that MasterCard was international.  Just keep praying, this is going to happen.


    For some reason I can not send out messages.

    Could you please give me the link to this article:

    The PM has said that the purchasing power of the currency would be enhanced during this legislative term (which ends the end of May or first part of June - articles can't seem to figure out just when it ends)

    I must have missed it.


    Posts : 1858
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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Proven Tue 07 May 2019, 12:57 pm

    Proven wrote:
    Lobo wrote:Don't forget that at the end of April, Iraq Trade Bank opened its office in Saudi Arabia (biggggg deal) and said it would be operational by MID-MAY - can't be operational with a program rate.  The Bank also said it planned on opening one in Turkey.  The PM has said that the purchasing power of the currency would be enhanced during this legislative term (which ends the end of May or first part of June - articles can't seem to figure out just when it ends).  There was an article by the IMF calling out Iraq and telling them to increase the value of the currency or no more loans AND TO STOP THE AUCTIONS (OR CHANGE THEM TO STOP THE BLEED).  The CBI has said that the banks (BANKS not just the CBI) are now able to transmit funds internationally - instantly and globally - that would be wire transfer (don't forget currency transfers are digital).  Don't forget they have been working on this for a long time.  There is cable running through the Persian Gulf, the Med. Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean from the USA to Europe.  I think we will see all of this soon, it has been a long ride but Iraq knows it is on the cusp, failure now would be a disaster - the people have been told this is going to happen.  The CBI has been having seminars regarding the new banking for months, they just finished the financial inclusion week (many banks were involved and it was throughout Iraq) where people opened banks accounts and used their (mattress) currency to do so.  They gave out prepayment cards as gifts - stressed that MasterCard was international.  Just keep praying, this is going to happen.


    For some reason I can not send out messages.

    Could you please give me the link to this article:

    The PM has said that the purchasing power of the currency would be enhanced during this legislative term (which ends the end of May or first part of June - articles can't seem to figure out just when it ends)

    I must have missed it.

    Does anyone have a link to this article?

    Is it here on this forum?  

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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Lobo Tue 07 May 2019, 12:58 pm

    It was posted on another site with a link about 7-10 days ago.  Sorry, I don't have enough memory on my cp to keep very much.

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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Proven Tue 07 May 2019, 1:33 pm

    Lobo wrote:It was posted on another site with a link about 7-10 days ago.  Sorry, I don't have enough memory on my cp to keep very much.

    Thanks Lobo.

    Anyone?  Or is this just rumor?  

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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Lobo Tue 07 May 2019, 1:46 pm

    Proven, if it is rumor, it came from an article that was translated from Arabic and in an Iraqi news report.  Since the CBI said after opening the Iraq Trade Bank in Saudi Arabia that it would be operational by mid May, it could be that Mahdi did indeed tell the people that the currency would have added value by the end of the legislative term.  Either way, we will know at the end of May if the PM and the CBI were telling their people the truth.  I am praying it is true, because if it isn't and they told the citizens it would have added value, I would think all hell will brake loose.  Don't forget that Rocky posted yesterday an article with a picture of the CBI governor with a large poster behind him showing a 250 dinar note.  That tells me we are on our way for the RV.

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    Understood Investor
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    Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy - Page 2 Empty Re: Prime Minister and move the wheel of the economy

    Post by Readytogo Wed 08 May 2019, 9:38 am

    Thank You, Lord, for working this out for our good and the good of the Iraqi people.  We have high expectations of good things to come from this investment and we are expecting it SOON in the name of Jesus.

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