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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Newspaper: The Kurds demanded Allawi in three ministries, including Finance and Hakim with oil

    Admin Assist
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    Newspaper: The Kurds demanded Allawi in three ministries, including Finance and Hakim with oil Empty Newspaper: The Kurds demanded Allawi in three ministries, including Finance and Hakim with oil

    Post by Rocky Thu 06 Feb 2020, 2:01 am

    Newspaper: The Kurds demanded Allawi in three ministries, including Finance and Hakim with oil

    10:49 - 06/02/2020

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    The information / Baghdad ..
    Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper revealed, on Thursday, a Kurdish insistence on the Ministry of Finance, which Fouad Hussein currently occupies, in addition to two service ministries in the upcoming government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, while stressing that the Sunnis want to keep the same ministries in the government of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , I disclosed that the Al Hikma Movement, headed by Mr. Ammar Al Hakim, is seeking the Ministry of Oil.
    The newspaper, in a report it viewed, “The Information,” quoted a politician close to Allawi as saying, “The Sunni and Kurdish Arab political forces informed Allawi yesterday, Wednesday and evening, the day before yesterday, Tuesday, and clearly, that they want their share in the new government, according to the electoral merit in general.” 2018, and hinted that she would not vote on a government in which her electoral dues are not available, citing that Allawi’s mandate to form the government was based on quotas.
    He added, “Allawi did not inform the Sunni and Kurdish political forces to refuse or accept his position, as he is still in preliminary dialogues with her, and there is a proposal that three or more candidates be submitted by each bloc, that Allawi choose the character that he finds suitable for the position, but even This proposal is still in its infancy, ”noting that“ the Kurds insist on the Ministry of Finance, as a sovereign ministry, with two service ministries, while the Sunni forces want to keep the same ministries that they currently have. ”
    He pointed out that "the stream of wisdom led by Ammar Al-Hakim," clearly demanded Allawi for the portfolio of the Ministry of Oil and refused to give him any other bag, "noting that" major Shiite forces have given up their entitlement, but those demanding their ministerial shares describe this as a deception, and say that ministers will be named From the nominations of the blocs, without there being any declaration or adoption of that, as was the case in the previous Abdul Mahdi government. ” Ended / 25

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