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    Sunni blocs: Al-Zarfi pass is a historic opportunity to get rid of leaders who failed to run the cou

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    Sunni blocs: Al-Zarfi pass is a historic opportunity to get rid of leaders who failed to run the cou Empty Sunni blocs: Al-Zarfi pass is a historic opportunity to get rid of leaders who failed to run the cou

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Apr 2020, 4:40 pm

    Sunni blocs: Al-Zarfi pass is a historic opportunity to get rid of leaders who failed to run the country

      APRIL 4TH, 2020



    The opposition Shi'a forces called for an end to the conflict and a commitment to the constitution
    Baghdad - Waad al-Shammari:
    Sunni blocs in the House of Representatives confirmed their intention to vote on the government of Adnan Al-Zrafi, and promised to assign him a "historic opportunity" to get rid of leaders who failed to manage Iraq, and called on the Shiite forces to end the state of conflict and comply with constitutional contexts, and advised them to stay away from the language of the threat.
    "The announcement by Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi to present the government program, and his request to determine the voting session for the ministries' candidates, is evidence of his intention to proceed with his mission," said the leader of the Iraqi Forces Alliance, Haider al-Mulla.
    In an interview with Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed, Al-Mulla added, “The Sunni blocs will vote for Al-Zarfi as it represents a national and constitutional option, and his assumption of the prime minister’s job constitutes a historical turning point in the exit of power from the leaders of the first class who failed to manage the country.”
    He pointed out, "The coalition of forces believes that the decision to form a government should be purely Iraqi, and supports that we have balanced relations with all countries, foremost of which is Iran, in a way that preserves national sovereignty, and avoids the policy of axes."
    Al-Mulla stressed that "Iranian figures visited Iraq at the end of last week in order to urge the Shiite political blocs to reject Al-Zarfi."
    He explained, "All governments after 2003 had been formed with Iranian and American blessing, which is what we seek to get out of now in coordination with the national blocs."
    The leader of the Alliance of Forces confirmed that "the image has begun to become clear through the recent Kurdish letters to the Prime Minister-designate that he is supporting him, as is the case with most Shiite parties."
    He continues, "The crises in order for the next government to pass through it require a calm political environment, and this imposes on Zarfi a clear commitment to end the dispute within the Shiite blocs."
    Al-Mulla continued by saying, "The list of other leaders is the most numerous bloc in the parliament, and it supports Al-Zarfi, and therefore the commissioning process has completed its constitutional pillars in all respects."
    For his part, the leader of the Development Salvation Front, Kamel Al-Ghurery, stated that "Al-Zarfi has emerged from his parliamentary experience that he is far from international axes and regional intervention."
    Al-Ghurery added, in a statement to Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed, that "our support for the Prime Minister-designate is not a disservice to the Shiite blocs, as some people think, but rather because of the characteristics that he has in managing the country at this sensitive stage."
    He pointed out that "the state of conflict between Shiite blocs over the position must end, and everyone recognizes the constitutional contexts that have created for us a duty that must be supported."
    Al-Ghurery stated that "our bloc in the parliament will vote for Al-Zrafi, and we hope that he will achieve the aspirations of all Iraqis, especially the children of the liberated provinces whose regions are suffering from great ruin, and there are innocent prisoners who are seeking to release them."
    He reiterated the position of the Salvation Front not to demand ministerial positions, explaining that "the only aspiration we are looking for is the formation of a national government away from external interference."
    Al-Ghurery called for avoiding the threatening language, and urged Shiite blocs rejecting al-Zarfi to "look at the conditions of the southern provinces, as they suffer from many problems that must be resolved."
    And goes on, that "the best solution is to let the Prime Minister-designate go on his mission and submit to the House of Representatives, and then the final word will come, and if the Shiite blocs want to overthrow him by voting, then that is their right."
    Al-Ghurery went on to say, "Al-Zarfi was chosen by Shiite representatives, and the Sunnis or Kurds did not interfere in that. We cannot be blamed on the commissioning process."
    It is noteworthy that the Al-Fateh coalition continues its political battle against Al-Zarfi by pressing him to apologize for his mission, or to drop him in the parliament by voting.

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