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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Labor announces the ban on the entry of Bangladeshi workers and reveals the number of illegal foreig

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    Labor announces the ban on the entry of Bangladeshi workers and reveals the number of illegal foreig Empty Labor announces the ban on the entry of Bangladeshi workers and reveals the number of illegal foreig

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Jul 2021, 6:48 am

    Labor announces the ban on the entry of Bangladeshi workers and reveals the number of illegal foreign workers

    •  Time: 07/27/2021 09:00:34
    •  Reading: 884 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Economy: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs obtained a decision from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to prevent the entry or recruitment of Bangladeshi workers into the country, revealing the presence of 400,000 foreign workers residing illegally in Baghdad and the provinces.
    The Director of the Department of Labor and Vocational Training in the Ministry, Raed Jabbar Bahed, said in a press statement, "The decision to prevent the recruitment or entry of Bangladeshi workers to the country will have a significant impact on the local labor market, especially since a large part of this labor is illegal, which contributed to limiting job opportunities until The simple ones are them only,” noting that “the oil companies operating in the country recruit Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi workers who do not have any qualifications or experience at the expense of their national counterparts with qualifications and specialization, which has raised the number of unemployed graduates and non-graduates.”
    He stressed, "The Ministry of Labor suspended the decisions of previous governments that encouraged the intrusion of illegal foreign workers into the country, including Resolution 80, which allowed all official agencies and ministries to bring in workers directly," noting in the same context that "an article had been installed in government contracts." Employing 50% of the local workforce in all investment projects.
    Bahed indicated that "the ministry is responsible for granting workers licenses to the owners of legal employment offices, and it applies Article 30 of the applicable labor law, which obligated all employers wishing to employ foreign workers to obtain a permit from the ministry exclusively," specifying the number of foreign workers who obtained official approvals from the two ministries. Labor and the Ministry of the Interior amounted to "70 thousand in Baghdad and the provinces." 
    He denied "the existence of any official body that can provide accurate statistics and a correct number for illegal foreign workers, and what is announced in this regard are exaggerated and unofficial speculative numbers", estimating their number at "no more than 400,000", noting that "the inspection teams of the Ministry carry out campaigns." It continues against employers and refers violators of them to the Labor Court, while the Ministry of Interior is responsible for deporting illegal foreign workers to their countries.
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