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    Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the posi

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    Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the posi Empty Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the posi

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Aug 2014, 4:03 am

    Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the position of the finest and supervised him

    Fri Aug 15 2014 02:28 | (Voice of Iraq) - August 14, 2014 

    In the name of God the Merciful 
    (The rope of Allah and Atfrkoa and remember God's grace upon you because you are the enemies of a thousand hearts Vosubhtm grace between brothers) 
    Believe God Almighty 

    Dear Iraqi people Karim 
    I'll stay on the covenant with God and with you in the defense of Iraq's Aziz, will not plead too your trust when you came out men and women Chiba and youthful, and sacrificed and Thdeetm even martyrdom and Antbtamona fingers dishonest Amadmkhh ink Abannvgesa and blood purification until we have achieved the highest figures and we have obtained the most votes as a bloc and as a candidate among the contenders, in a historic day proven will remain illuminated sign and irrefutable fact in the history of the democratic process in Iraq. 
    To please remain Municipality in my neck, and Sahfez honesty I will not leave my duty, and will not bend over in front of surgeries incurred and Sathmlha even if did not stay in my body a place for wounded from near or far, is not it ment to me on one, but it is my responsibility and my duty legitimate to defend this country The people and their sanctities. 
    Sisters and Brothers 
    When Ckellna to the government in 2006, the fighting was going on in the middle of the streets of the capital, Baghdad was besieged and public roads and institutions and Doaúrath and universities all empty nor Activity vital economic and commercial or cultural dispels the desolation of the day and night, and we received the government under the occupation of the measured and the presence of more than one hundred and fifty thousand foreign troops on territory, and saw a conceptual security, which was a serious deterioration in their hands. 
    In light of terrorist attack is fierce and the Organization of the political process infiltrated some of the political forces that are linked foreign agendas and moving from a background of sectarian and racist, we have succeeded in achieving the great achievements in the fields of reconstruction and services and the launch of two initiatives agricultural, educational, and the National Initiative for housing, which contributed significantly to achieving a quantum leap in this vital areas, along with the launch of oil licensing rounds and invest the gas fields for the first time in the history of Iraq and move forward to increase the production and export of oil and the entry of foreign capital and investors and to achieve a significant increase in raising the level of salaries of state employees and improve the standard of living for the whole of the Iraqi people, which will remain etched in his memory landing rule comeuppance tyrant and his aides criminals against the people of Iraq and all its components. 
    Iraq, which was isolated from the world on Tkleva the formation of a national unity government in 2006, regained his role on the regional and international levels, as returned embassies and missions of the world to Baghdad, which has been abandoned for nearly two decades, did not lag behind the return trip to Baghdad, but some countries I knew that the historical hostility to Iraq and its people. 

    Iaabina Iraqi people Karim 
    Iraq has faced a new wave of terrorism in early two thousand and twelve while the Arab region live beginnings of sectarian war, a war that participated in the intelligence services raised by international and regional cooperation with some local political forces that they provide political cover for terrorist organizations. 
    Coincided beginning of a new phase of terrorism in Iraq, with the outbreak of the crisis in Syria at the beginning of the year two thousand and eleven, were benediction terrorist organizations in Syria of supporting multi-directional and the shapes of some of the major powers and regional states-minded sectarianism, and did not target the foundation of the Syrian crisis is to overthrow the regime in Syria only, but to be the gateway to the changes and draw a new political map in the region, including Iraq. 

    Came the setback that occurred after security control Daash terrorist organization on the city of Mosul and its threat to other provinces, the culmination of a project that began in Syria through Iraq and a number of countries in the region to reach its ends to the countries that supported and stood to the side of the terrorist organizations.
    And we were able with God's help and discourage the security forces and the mujahideen volunteers and those who care about the sons of the tribes to absorb and contain the terrorist attack and move quickly from defense to attack stage and regain the initiative and the liberalization of the provinces and cities and the opening of roads between major cities and provinces. 

    Iaabina Aziz, the Iraqi people: 
    I realize full well that the target is not Maliki particular, but Iraq as a whole, has made all my best and my time and used every means available to thwart the scheme, which differed limbs goals and the means and mechanisms, with the necessities of realizing conscious of the seriousness of the planned targeting Iraq's unity, sovereignty and independence. 

    Did I doubt for one moment in the right coalition of state law and its candidate constitutionally in the formation of the new government, and it was a chore Ali is my responsibility legitimacy, national and moral correction and treatment of any defect causes negative repercussions dangerous to the sanctity of the Constitution and the political process and the democratic experiment boys in the country. 

    And out of respect for the trust granted by the people and fulfill the aspirations in strengthening state institutions and to devote gubernatorial Constitution, has practiced all the means and mechanisms of constitutional and peaceful restitution for Iraq to be a model in the region, which suffers from regimes entered a phase of aging and loss of freedoms and the lack of democracy and the spread of sectarian politics odious . 

    I've ruled out from the outset the option of using force to non-theistic absolute this Alkhiaralve There is no doubt that he will return Iraq to the eras of dictatorship, oppression and tyranny, but in the face of terrorism and terrorists, and that he would present the Iraqi people inspissated wounds to more crises and pains and trouble, and will not allow the use of force in dealing with crises, and I call on politicians and the people's commitment to constitutional and legal mechanisms to express their opinions and to address emergency crises. 

    The front of the attack unfairly suffered personally, committed legal mechanisms in the battle to defend the Constitution even accused of clinging to power, even though he was a defense of the homeland and the sanctity of the Constitution and the electoral votes, and the defense of the right does not mean in any way adherent to power, and did not resort only to the Federal Court, and has pledged to accept the decision. 

    Today I say to the Iraqi people Quran (for Asalmn Maslm Iraq and its people, I will not be the cause of shedding one drop of blood and that was where Gore Ali) as uttered immortal faithful to Ibn Abi Talib (AS) (for Osalmn Maslmt things Muslims that was not where Jurala Ali). 
    And I say unto you, decent people do not want any position and the positions of trust me it is not the position of the finest nor supervised him. 
    He announced before you today and to facilitate the functioning of the political process and the formation of the new government and to withdraw my candidacy in favor of the brother of Dr. Haider Abadi all warranted on that in order to preserve the higher interests of the country and I will remain a soldier fighter, an advocate for Iraq and its people and supportive to those who stand up with responsibility and honesty in all national and honor packs and courage in the truth and defeat falsehood and Defense the oppressed and to stand against terrorism and sectarianism and division of Iraq, and to preserve its unity, independence and sovereignty. 
    Tribute and homage to the efforts of the sons of the armed forces and security agencies, volunteers and clans to Mapzloh of extraordinary effort and Osém stability and sustain the momentum of confrontation and do not waste duty and away from political differences in order to preserve our armed forces, and to be ho-hum first and last face of terrorism and keeping national sovereignty, independence and stability. 
    Salute and reverence to the martyrs of Iraq who stood generally dictatorial regime and faced terrorism and those who care for all the people of Iraq and our armed forces heroine. 
    Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings. 
    Nuri Kamal al-Maliki 
    Prime Minister 

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    Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the posi Empty Re: Speech of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the Iraqi people: the positions of trust nor the posi

    Post by Mheat1 Fri 15 Aug 2014, 7:36 am

    He lost me with God the Merciful withe all the confusion and lost of money and delay after delay and now he wants to give his blessing after he cut a deal these people needs to know that the American people is not there enemy there enemy is living among them.

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