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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Not the policy of Saudi Arabia with the new Iraq? Ghalib Hassan Shahbandar (3-4) Understand

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    Not the policy of Saudi Arabia with the new Iraq?    Ghalib Hassan Shahbandar    (3-4)    Understand Empty Not the policy of Saudi Arabia with the new Iraq? Ghalib Hassan Shahbandar (3-4) Understand

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Sep 2014, 8:17 am

    Not the policy of Saudi Arabia with the new Iraq? 
    Not the policy of Saudi Arabia with the new Iraq? 

    Ghalib Hassan Shahbandar 


    Understanding the Saudi-Iraqi is the weight of the stability in the region, and the reasons are many, due to the limits of long between the two countries first, and because the two PB Second, because the two countries possess the elements represent a large majority of Muslims Third, because the tribes in the two overlapping and have good relations and Outidh with each other for quite some time Fourthly, and because both countries are threatened with terrorism Aldaasha and non Aldaasha Fifth, and because democracy in Iraq, despite the birth of modern is the most suitable systems for the kingdom, and because the ruling regime in the Kingdom, including owns the power of regulating and control within the country is the most suitable systems for Iraq VI, and the presence of elements of the finest in both two Émhma ordered two stable, secure and prosperous Seventh, there are reasons other objective demonstrate that strong relationships and Ohijh based on mutual understanding and exchange of interests between Riyadh and Baghdad can, but inevitably lays the foundation for the security of Middle Eastern solid, but for the security of Arab nationalist sound, and the ball was in such a project in the playground Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, because it is the mother country for the Gulf states, but it is stable, and have the weight in most countries of the Arab world and Islamic world, and Iraq was and still is undergoing concerned. 
    The strange thing really, that make Saudi Arabia huge efforts to engage with the regime of Bashar Assad, but Bashar al-Assad in particular, prior to fester civil war in this country, and that adopts the King precisely this task, while ignoring the Kingdom with Iraq, ignored clear him of negligence full, it is really strange, too, that authorizes the Kingdom always as you want close ties and Tfahmah and strategy with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and there are actively pursued, unspoken and invisible, on this road, and at the same time there condonation Saudi towards the relationship with Iraq, it is really strange Thirdly, to seek the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be Godmother balance effort possible between the components of the Lebanese people, There continues cryptic form and last between the Kingdom and the Lebanese Hezbollah, but to execute such a situation with Iraq! 
    What is the secret? 
    that justification as long as squadron and possibly announced sometimes that the Kingdom does not trust Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, and that the Kingdom recorded by more than (lie) it in the words of one of the kingdom's leaders in the field to deal with it, but such a justification is not objective, policies are not built on the attitude of the person, was Iraq summed up by Mr. al-Maliki, an approach I do not think that the Kingdom in particular convinced him. 
    that many observers complain objectively like this justification, often Aoazon why some brokers politics and sectarian who poisoned the image of Iraqi Shiites to the Kingdom, Sometimes they are agents of Iran, and the other they were seeking to deny the Sunni component, and a third they arm Iran to dominate the region, and what there is of the accusations are naive in terms of its content on the one hand but carries the ultimate malice and cunning of hand, their implications and consequences of hand. 
    , and now, where you decide the will of the Iraqi people that there will be a national government, representing all components of the people, and the support of the major powers, and more regional countries, you will remain the Saudi position on the case? 

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    Ghalib Hassan Shahbandar 


    Understanding the Saudi-Iraqi is the weight of the stability in the region, and the reasons are many, due to the limits of long between the two countries first, and because the two PB Second, because the two countries possess the elements represent a large majority of Muslims Third, because the tribes in the two overlapping and have good relations and Outidh with each other for quite some time Fourthly, and because both countries are threatened with terrorism Aldaasha and non Aldaasha Fifth, and because democracy in Iraq, despite the birth of modern is the most suitable systems for the kingdom, and because the ruling regime in the Kingdom, including owns the power of regulating and control within the country is the most suitable systems for Iraq VI, and the presence of elements of the finest in both two Émhma ordered two stable, secure and prosperous Seventh, there are reasons other objective demonstrate that strong relationships and Ohijh based on mutual understanding and exchange of interests between Riyadh and Baghdad can, but inevitably lays the foundation for the security of Middle Eastern solid, but for the security of Arab nationalist sound, and the ball was in such a project in the playground Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, because it is the mother country for the Gulf states, but it is stable, and have the weight in most countries of the Arab world and Islamic world, and Iraq was and still is undergoing concerned. 
    The strange thing really, that make Saudi Arabia huge efforts to engage with the regime of Bashar Assad, but Bashar al-Assad in particular, prior to fester civil war in this country, and that adopts the King precisely this task, while ignoring the Kingdom with Iraq, ignored clear him of negligence full, it is really strange, too, that authorizes the Kingdom always as you want close ties and Tfahmah and strategy with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and there are actively pursued, unspoken and invisible, on this road, and at the same time there condonation Saudi towards the relationship with Iraq, it is really strange Thirdly, to seek the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be Godmother balance effort possible between the components of the Lebanese people, There continues cryptic form and last between the Kingdom and the Lebanese Hezbollah, but to execute such a situation with Iraq! 
    What is the secret? 
    that justification as long as squadron and possibly announced sometimes that the Kingdom does not trust Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, and that the Kingdom recorded by more than (lie) it in the words of one of the kingdom's leaders in the field to deal with it, but such a justification is not objective, policies are not built on the attitude of the person, was Iraq summed up by Mr. al-Maliki, an approach I do not think that the Kingdom in particular convinced him. 
    that many observers complain objectively like this justification, often Aoazon why some brokers politics and sectarian who poisoned the image of Iraqi Shiites to the Kingdom, Sometimes they are agents of Iran, and the other they were seeking to deny the Sunni component, and a third they arm Iran to dominate the region, and what there is of the accusations are naive in terms of its content on the one hand but carries the ultimate malice and cunning of hand, their implications and consequences of hand. 
    , and now, where you decide the will of the Iraqi people that there will be a national government, representing all components of the people, and the support of the major powers, and more regional countries, you will remain the Saudi position on the case? 

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