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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Dependence on gas and oil as the only source of energy puts Iraq at the forefront of global warming

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Dependence on gas and oil as the only source of energy puts Iraq at the forefront of global warming  Empty Dependence on gas and oil as the only source of energy puts Iraq at the forefront of global warming

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2023, 3:57 pm

    [size=38]Dependence on gas and oil as the only source of energy puts Iraq at the forefront of global warming countries[/size]

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    April 26, 2023[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / Obelisk Event: Global warming makes hot weather "more dangerous" according to a new study by British researchers, not only because of the increase in temperatures, but also because the world is not yet ready to face this increase, say the researchers who spoke to the "New York Times".
    The study indicates that global warming makes “hot weather at dangerous levels” more common and more extreme on every continent in the world, and the presence of factors that make societies significantly more vulnerable than others, and makes segments within those societies more sensitive to climate change than others.
    In Iraq, like the Arab countries, global warming has not been addressed seriously enough so far, and serious measures are absent to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as relying heavily on oil and gas as energy sources, which contribute to excessive carbon emissions.
    The study, which analyzed the maximum daily temperatures around the world between 1959 and 2021, indicates that 31% of the Earth’s surface “experienced heat at rates that are not statistically possible” during these years, which made it ready for heat waves.
    The new study shows that hot flashes outside the range of statistical reasonableness have occurred all over the world over the past few decades, suggesting that they could happen again, anywhere.
    Iraq occupies the heart of global warming in the Middle East, but this extreme country does nothing about the coming disaster.
    And at a time when Iraq ranks fifth on the index of the countries most affected by climate change, the Ministry of Environment is trying to develop a plan to mitigate the effects of global warming, in conjunction with working on a project to wrap buildings with solar cells, and in parallel with the completion of the cultivation of hundreds of agricultural dunums.
    And the Iraqi government indicated its moral commitment to reducing emissions by 1-2 percent in the national effort, indicating that, accordingly, it will reduce emissions by 15 percent if international support is available, provided that electricity is available for 24 hours in the country, along with security and peace. And free from diseases and epidemics.
    And Iraq needs to promote renewable energy, develop public transportation, and improve energy efficiency in buildings and industry. This also requires cooperation with neighboring countries of Iraq and with other international bodies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop sustainable strategies for economic development.
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