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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chinese companies account for the largest share of Iraq's oil exports in a month

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Chinese companies account for the largest share of Iraq's oil exports in a month Empty Chinese companies account for the largest share of Iraq's oil exports in a month

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2023, 5:13 am

    Chinese companies account for the largest share of Iraq's oil exports in a month

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    2023-05-29 05:06

    Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Oil Marketing Company "SOMO" announced, on Monday, that the Chinese oil companies were the most numerous to buy Iraqi oil during the month of April.

    "Somo" stated in a statistic published on its official website and seen by Shafaq News agency, that "Chinese companies were the most numerous among other international companies in purchasing Iraqi oil, with 8 companies out of 36 companies that purchased oil during the month of April."
    She added, "Indian companies came second with 7 companies, American and South Korean companies came third with four companies each, then Italian companies came fourth with three companies, and Turkish and Spanish companies came with two companies for each of them."
    And she indicated that "the rest was distributed among the (Dutch-British), French, Azerbaijani, Malaysian, Emirati and Greek companies, with one company for each of them."
    Somo indicated that it "depends on the sale of Iraqi oil on the main criteria for contracting with large, medium, independent and vertically integrated governmental global oil companies," noting that "the most prominent international companies that have bought Iraqi oil are the Indian company, Hindustan, Korean Cocas, Chinese Petrogene, US Exxon Mobil, and Shell." British Dutch and Italian Eni
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