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    Washington Times: America will no longer be able to win any war

    Admin Assist
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    Washington Times: America will no longer be able to win any war Empty Washington Times: America will no longer be able to win any war

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Oct 2023, 9:22 am

    Washington Times: America will no longer be able to win any war F895cef7-8bc2-4af3-b1ca-5bcd7debff6f
    [size=52]Washington Times: America will no longer be able to win any war[/size]
    • Today 16:04

    A report by the American newspaper The Washington Times, Thursday, confirmed that the United States will no longer be able to win any war due to its inability to withstand and endure long-term wars, as happened in Vietnam and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The report, translated by the Maalouma Agency, stated, “The image of the South Vietnamese scrambling to board the helicopter of the withdrawing American army became a symbol of America’s defeat in the Vietnam War, and for 46 years, this remained a symbol of American humiliation until it was replaced by images of the chaotic withdrawal from Kabul airport.” International".
    He added, "The Vietnamese war of attrition against the American army proved beyond doubt that American forces could no longer tolerate staying for a longer period, and the same was true in Afghanistan. The initial American efforts to build the state were unwise, and in the years preceding the American withdrawal, the number of "The Americans who die each year in combat are slightly fewer than those killed in car accidents in Washington, D.C." 
    He continued, "Iraq was no different, and Bush's desire to defy public opinion and fight sent shock waves through the rebellion, which had a negative impact on the American forces and forced them to retreat and withdraw from the country in 2011."
    The report pointed out that “the United States has become lacking in strategic patience in its wars, while political analyst Elbridge Colby from the Marathon Foundation Initiative said that the United States cannot confront China and Russia together, as the lack of strategic patience has a real cost, not only on the allies who are cautious.” "Increasingly about America's loyalty and resolve, and even about the security of the United States itself." Ended/25 D

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 7:04 am