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    Cabinet held its absence, "budget" and the ministers of the Kurds

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Cabinet held its absence, "budget" and the ministers of the Kurds Empty Cabinet held its absence, "budget" and the ministers of the Kurds

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Oct 2014, 6:48 am

    Cabinet held its absence, "budget" and the ministers of the Kurds

    Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -14 October / October: The Cabinet held on Tuesday, its regular, was free to discuss the agenda of the budget bill for fiscal 2014.
    A source at the secretariat of the Council's / Iraq Presse /, that "the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Haider Abadi, and the absence of Minister of the Kurds."
    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, had confirmed in a joint news conference with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, on Monday evening, the ministers of the Kurds will join the Iraqi government, without specifying the date.
    The source pointed out, "The agenda includes decisions relating to trade and file ration card and other others."
    It was scheduled to hold a cabinet session last Saturday, but the illness struck Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi decide on the track to postpone the Cabinet meeting to Tuesday.
    He Mahdi Keywords Abadi, director of the Office for / Iraq Presse /, last Friday, that "the government has postponed its planned holiday to discuss the budget in 2014, before they are submitted to parliament, due to non-arrival of the final accounts of the Ministry of Finance.
    He expressed his hope Alak, that "complements the Council of Ministers to discuss the budget during this week." Ended (1) 

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