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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington puts Baghdad's money in its treasury and waves the economic card to ensure its military p

    Admin Assist
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    Washington puts Baghdad's money in its treasury and waves the economic card to ensure its military p Empty Washington puts Baghdad's money in its treasury and waves the economic card to ensure its military p

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 Jan 2024, 7:09 am

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    [size=52]Washington puts Baghdad's money in its treasury and waves the economic card to ensure its military presence inside Iraq[/size]
    • Today 14:02

    Information / Baghdad...
    Washington's control over Iraq's oil revenues did not come from nowhere. Rather, the American administration considers it a trump card through which it can impose what it wants on Baghdad and achieve its demands and interests, which are summarized in the military presence in Iraqi bases, which the people rejected and announced their decision through the House of Representatives to reject any presence. For foreign forces on Iraqi territory and granting the government a mandate to implement this decision, at a time when political parties stress the importance of establishing new economic partnerships that guarantee Iraq’s rights and distance it from the cycle of American blackmail, especially with regard to the oil revenue file controlled by Washington.
    A member of the State of Law coalition, Rasul Radi, told Al-Ma’louma, “All information confirms that the Iraqi economy is hostage to the US Federal Reserve, which controls the most important revenues that the Iraqi government depends on, which are oil revenues,” adding that “everything is possible and not surprising from the administration.” If the United States takes an economic decision that harms the interests of Iraq, especially since oil sales revenues are placed in the aforementioned bank and Iraq obtains them through (distillation) when needed, and as a result, America has access to the Iraqi funds held by the Federal Bank, which has caused an increase in the dollar exchange rate and the occurrence of some harassment. Finance in the past period. 
    On the other hand, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Ayed Al-Hilali, told Al-Maalouma, “The economic situation in Iraq is suffering from confusion, especially with regard to the dollar file and the exchange rate, which prompted Washington to intervene in this matter, and therefore there is an American connection to the economic file, as Iraq is in dire need of To market itself and its economic files and benefit from the experiences of many countries, including Singapore and some Gulf states, in economic dealings with America, and at the same time oblige it not to violate or breach national sovereignty, and to establish new partnerships that serve the interest of Iraq. 
    On the other hand, Hussein Al-Karaawi, a member of the Popular Movement for the Belt and Road, confirmed to “Al-Ma’louma” that “the political forces must move to put an end to the American transgressions against the Iraqi people, the security services, and the Popular Mobilization Forces, and this matter requires a unified position from the resistance forces to put pressure on the political parties to make decisions.” It would end the American presence,” pointing out that “Iraq can not link its economy to the American side and move towards the eastern camp alongside Russia, China, Iran and other Asian countries, and take decisions that ensure the distance of the American occupier from Iraq without thinking or fearing any economic measures that it may take.” Washington against Baghdad. Ended 25 n
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