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    League of the Righteous Tbaya Khamenei


    Posts : 5316
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    League of the Righteous Tbaya Khamenei Empty League of the Righteous Tbaya Khamenei

    Post by wciappetta Thu 06 Nov 2014, 6:35 pm

    League of the Righteous Tbaya Khamenei

    Fri Nov 07 2014 twelve forty-one | (Voice of Iraq) - Hamid Saleh -

     Arabiya said Jaber rugby representative militia "League of the Righteous" in Iran, Iraq pledge allegiance to organized Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, during a speech in the Iranian city of Qom, according to Manglt by the agency Tasneem Iranian news agency. According to the Agency for rugby pointed out that there is a ceremony in the city of Qom to the memory of the dead "League of the Righteous" and "Hezbollah Brigades Iraq" who said they were killed in Syria, where fighting organization fighting alongside Bashar al-Assad's regime forces against Syrian opposition.

     It also was the site "son" has published a report about the presence of members of the League of the Righteous in ceremony of Ashura last Tuesday, in Tehran, and they are wearing military uniforms escorting the deputy secretary general of the organization Mohammed Tabatabai and Jaber rugby.

     The militia Ahl al-Haq, and other Iraqi Shiite militia itself at the center of the "Islamic resistance" against the organization "Daash" any foreign interference in Iraq, while accusing the Iraqi political forces of these militias kidnapping and killing and torturing thousands of Iraqis, and demanding their inclusion within the list of terrorist organizations.

     The split Ahl al-Haq of the Sadrist movement, which led by Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in 2004, where he founded Qais al-Khazali (Secretary-General) and Akram al-Kaabi (deputy) of this regulation, which is currently estimated number is more than 10 thousand fighters, and claimed responsibility for the 6000 attack on the US and Iraqi forces. In August and September 2012, headbands people began right campaign posters in which more than 20 thousand poster of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and distributed throughout Iraq. 

    A senior official in the local government in Baghdad, said that municipal workers fear the removal of posters fear of punishment at the hands of militiamen League of the Righteous. in January 2012 , and after the American withdrawal from Iraq, Qais al-Khazali announced that the group Taathai to lay down their arms and join the political process. But it went then to fight alongside the Syrian regime forces against the Syrian opposition, under the pretext of protecting the shrine Sayeda Zeinab Shiite holy places in Syria. It features Brigade "Abou El Fadl Abbas "who fights alongside battalions of the League of the Righteous Syrian regime forces, distributed in Damascus, under the pretext of protecting the shrine Ms. Alsenb, along with Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, and Afghan mercenaries, and under the supervision of officers of the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

     He was Chief of Staff of the Army American Ray Odierno, has said that Iran supports the League of the financially and militarily and logistically right. According to a report published by The Guardian newspaper in March 2014, the League of the Righteous controlled by Iran and operates under the auspices of Gen. Qassem Soleimani - commander of the Qods Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. and Oofaqa told "Reuters "Iraqi intelligence officials believe that the" League of the Righteous "receive from 1.5 to $ 2 million per month from Iran.

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