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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Correct steps


    Posts : 5316
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Correct steps Empty Correct steps

    Post by wciappetta Thu 04 Dec 2014, 6:59 am

    Correct steps

    4/12/2014 0:00 

    D.saad Obeidi 

    Iraqis are accustomed to politicians and individuals to disagree with each other at every decision taken by the government and raise divisive political basis and social at the same time, because some of the politicians came to peace through the turbulent waves of the split, but this time around the last prime minister decisions in military institutions and security acted all of them in a different way, and abandoned shipping emotional and division, because the decisions were necessary and required,

     Vtnhah some military leaders from office by reference to retire or transfer to the Department of Veterans Affairs was a clear decision does not accept differing interpretation away from the effort the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in clearing institution Military and rebuilt again from, because some of its leaders did not contribute to the reconstructed correctly in spite of their responsibility in this area, because instead of the correct construction evacuated are Bossh and Hrvoh on the right path, and the simplest types of flaw is the lack of output for military contexts,

     even though they all had They came to the new institution of the old school, which is known accurately contexts, as well as briefing the Commander in Chief collar Tzlfa close Unlike series references abandoning behind army chief of staff and defense minister and turned to his office directly Vtkont the passage of time chief of staff and other original compete as well as the Ministry of other defense compete and even hinder the original , travel officers and became transferred with the consent of the Commander in Chief. 

    The decision on the military establishment, followed by another in the same direction at the Interior Ministry in which swelled the ranks and rode some of its leaders the same wave approaching the commanding general and got it directly on promotions, bringing the parties in police numbers countless performance does not mention , and other things indicate a problem produced by some involved in the ministries of defense, interior and Iraq paid the price and will continue to pay to the term in which the can of bear responsibility reinventing the wheel to the right path again. 

    The perception of the resolutions enables the viewer to say that they are moving in the right direction and Stakbhma other decisions, certainly, Valmasstan worked during the past ten years in a way that many of the dilemmas, namely two for a fraction personal style dominates the interests of the state and the record of a serious attempt to help the two institutions and their leaders to build the correct Syakathma again, the steps are not divided around the Iraqis for the first time does not disperse because of the community and politicians, as it steps correct, right in the usual combines does not differentiate, and Iraq in dire need of a lot of the right steps to shake the dust from his body weary inheritance which can not be removed unless the decisions of this kind. 

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    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 60
    Location : Lone Star State

    Correct steps Empty Re: Correct steps

    Post by Neno Thu 04 Dec 2014, 8:12 am


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