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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The government approved the provision of the necessary work for investment companies within the coun

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1897
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    The government approved the provision of the necessary work for investment companies within the coun Empty The government approved the provision of the necessary work for investment companies within the coun

    Post by Bama Diva Mon 06 Apr 2015, 6:47 pm

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    April 6, 2015

    Bahaa al-Araji," Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the experience of the investment were not required during the previous years level.

    And Mr. "al-Araji," he added during a speech Sunday morning April 5, 2015 through the signing of public infrastructure of the city of the new draft Basmajh between the National Authority for Investment and Hanwha Korean company South ceremony, that investment experience were not required level during these years and the reason it is not the Authority, has worked with all the recent efforts to provide what can be provided, but the reason for the existence of the complexities in the Empty law and the circumstances that have passed in Iraq and the region.

    And the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that the crisis has always made states, so some may refer to the crisis faced by the region, especially in connection with the decrease in oil prices as a real crisis will affect the Iraqi economy, but we say that the Iraqi economy is not affected by this and a lot of experience, even though we may be in front of and not economic, and this crisis is that we think about finding alternatives to a financial crisis, and in the introduction of these alternatives that made the Iraqi government in its priorities is to invest, and for this we are seeking to be not investment is a slogan as it was in the previous stage will not be so complicated, and there is a paragraph in the general budget for this year will allow all ministries, agencies and provinces to contract with the private sector exception of laws.

    As Mr. "Araji" reported that he and two weeks ago, the Council of Ministers approved the important decisions pertaining to the investor, and especially in the field of oil and energy, such as removing the medical tests that are imposed on workers and investors and facilitate visa (visa), as our face Iraqi embassies outside the country to grant visa access to investors, as well as a mechanism for non-disabled transactions in customs, to the end of many of the procedural matters that were hampering the investment process.

    Mr. Deputy Prime Minister concluded by saying: We are reviewing all investment contracts signed by the Iraqi side with the companies, and there will be an evaluation of their work and subsequently will provide the government all necessary for the sustainability of dealing with companies that will stand with Iraq in the re-construction and reconstruction process facilities

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