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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Mishan al-Jubouri's / balances News /: I received death threats from senior MPs

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Mishan al-Jubouri's / balances News /: I received death threats from senior MPs Empty Mishan al-Jubouri's / balances News /: I received death threats from senior MPs

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 3:34 am

    [ltr]Mishan al-Jubouri's / balances News /: I received death threats from senior MPs[/ltr]

     Since 02.04.2016 at 08:57 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Special scales News[/ltr]
    [ltr]MP from the Union of Forces Mishan al-Jubouri, on Thursday, said he had received numerous death threats and physical liquidation of prominent MPs against the backdrop of statements that accused all the political blocs of corruption.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He said the Attorney-Jubouri, two days ago, that he was prepared to give up his parliamentary immunity and submit to an investigation into his remarks on issues of corruption in the country, if approved by the parliamentary blocs to lift the immunity of all deputies and ministers to enable the elimination of the interrogation, after being accused of the whole of involvement in corruption in the country's political class .[/ltr]
    [ltr]Jubouri said L / scales News /, I "am not afraid of threats, some prominent lawmakers who revealed their faces the truth and I challenge them to agree to drop all proponents of immunity."[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The Aahemena to lift the immunity and the efforts of some of them to keep me off the House of Representatives and the Integrity Commission, because I am talking to the media about the size of financial and administrative corruption that has plagued the Iraqi state."[/ltr]
    [ltr]The Jubouri has appeared on the channel "direction" recently to talk about the corruption in Iraq file, he said that all the political class, including himself, part of the corruption in the country and that everyone is "corrupt" and receive a bribe, and added that he and other members of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee paid bribes to close the investigation .[/ltr]
    [ltr]And Bader made ​​a formal request to block the House as chairman of the House of Representatives called for the lifting of the immunity of MP Mishan al-Jubouri. Ended 29 / D 24[/ltr]

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      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 11:38 am