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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Moussawi: opening the doors of economic cooperation with Gulf will solve all political and economic

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    Moussawi: opening the doors of economic cooperation with Gulf will solve all political and economic  Empty Moussawi: opening the doors of economic cooperation with Gulf will solve all political and economic

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Apr 2013, 7:27 am

    Moussawi: opening the doors of economic cooperation with Gulf will solve all political and economic differences


    Moussawi: opening the doors of economic cooperation with Gulf will solve all political and economic differences

    Published in: 1:50 pm, April 7, 2013 by jamal BAGHDAD (Iba) .. A member of the Economic Commission MP Salman al-Moussawi, said opening the doors of Iraqi economic cooperation with the State of Bahrain will solve all economic problems and international political and eliminate poverty and unemployment.

    Moussawi said in a statement singled out by the independent press (Iba) .. Sunday "that opened the doors of economic cooperation with Arab countries, especially Bahrain, which is one of the Gulf Arab states, which suffer from minor problems with Iraq political will to resolve all international political differences".

    "The contract cooperative agreements between Iraq and the Bahraini private sector in turn would lead to a break the existing deadlock Bahraini Iraqi relations and solving problems within Bahrain."

    He continued, "The Iraq demanded by Almatmrh recent formation of the Arab donor countries, which gives grants and projects to countries that less investment for their wealth to address poverty that are exploited by terror and extremists and thus doing the elimination of unemployment in general."

    Moussawi said that "Iraq is making positive steps towards building a strong economy through the inclusion and the introduction of Arab and foreign experiences in Iraqi projects for Katsav highly experienced and complete service projects and the development of the national economy." (End)

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