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    Iraqi oil exports figures are inaccurate and influenced the levels of development

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    Iraqi oil exports figures are inaccurate and influenced the levels of development Empty Iraqi oil exports figures are inaccurate and influenced the levels of development

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Apr 2016, 4:12 am

    [size=32]Iraqi oil exports figures are inaccurate and influenced the levels of development[/size]

    1:03:05 12/4/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad ,although Iraq floats on a lake of "black gold" and senior producers and exporters in theworld, but it is still suffering from thedeterioration ofservices and increasing poverty rate, as aresult floundering politicians and rampant corruption and waste of public money, and perhaps thefinancial budgets of the Federal testament the "chaos" in thecountry, as concerned and specialists confirms thatthey arecharacterized as "exaggeration and inaccuracy and even absurd to cover thedeficit and save face for thegovernment , " despite thereservation regulators them.emphasizes national company for marketing oil Figures (SOMO), the daily volume ofoil exports during the year 2015 past, three million and four thousand and 874 barrels reached in time as export budget size for the same year three million and 300 thousand barrels per day, even if we collected this number throughout theyear to exceed 107 million barrels, which is a large number ,according tospecialists, although thereferee awarded the price of thesale of Iraqi oil today of $ 36.9 a barrel, for this was thedifference worth three billion and 954 million dollars. adviser Abadi: 85% of the budget estimates havenot been achieved as aresult ofexaggeration or incompetenceand confirms theeconomic advisor to theprime minister, Haidar al -Abbadi, 85% of the federal budget estimates have not been achieved as aresult ofexaggeration or incompetence, and calls for theneed to create asolid financial management to improve the way "wretched and backward 'estimates, and the agreement with theKurdistan Regional Government on the amount of oil that can beexported. He says theappearance ofMohammed Saleh, in aninterview to the(long - Presse), that" Iraq is said to balance in 2015 that there will be three million barrels ofoil a day, but did not reach that level , the public first , "and shows that" Iraq is close to that rate by theend of last year ,but also did not tell him. " Saleh believes, that" the problem lies in the amount ofexported oil from the Kurdistan region which is still subject of the negotiations so far , "and suggests that" oil export estimates that mention federal budgets are based on production plans or export may not correspond to reality sometimes, and some of them built on theexport of theregion 's oil estimates. "acknowledges economic adviser Ebadi, that" thegovernment were not able to make estimates ofnumbers thefederal budgets since 2006 and until now , "and asserts that" 85 percent of those estimates havenot been met, either because ofexaggeration in or because it is incorrect for theincompetence ofappreciation, as aresult ofsuccession offinancial departments. "He continues ,favor, that" financial management did not settle and did not run under theunderstanding the mentality ofone over the past ten years , "and promises to" get away from theappreciation disorders export figures in thebudget requires the creation ofsolid financial management to improve the way the wretched and backward estimates and thegovernment reached an agreement on theamount ofexported oil from the Kurdistan region . "parliamentary power: non - oil accuracy of theestimates budgets caused by thefluctuation of oil prices in turn attributed to theCommittee onenergy parliamentary, non - oil accuracy of theestimates of theFederal budgets to the volatility of crude oil prices to global markets ,although acknowledged that it should not affect the amount of production.He says chairman of theCommittee, Ares Abdullah, in aninterview to the(long - Presse), " the estimates of the oil production and exported quantities mentioned in theIraqi public budgets as other countries, is not accurate, because they are placed around therelative it changes from year to year , " stressing that it is"natural to be estimates oil reported in the2015 and 2016 budget, inaccurate due tothe instability ofoil prices and because Iraq isseen toneighboring countries and theestimates for thesale of oil during the year following theadoption of thebudget. " but Abdullah is due to confirm, that" the allocation is in production volumes do not sell it , so do not the income of oil prices in thequantities produced. "parliamentary Finance: thegovernment wants to improve the reputation of the economy and" save face " in front of people , so theparliamentary Finance Committee confirms, that none of theexecutive or legislative bodies, did not listen to objections and suggestions on the oil estimates the budget, and accuses thegovernment ofdeliberately estimates "unreal" to improve Iraq 'seconomy reputation internationally and not toincrease thebudget for "face - saving" theinability of thepeople. She says committee member Majda al - Tamimi, saidin an interview to the (long -Presse), " thebudget reflects the vision of thegovernment, while the parliament can reduce the total amount of thebudget and transfers between the doors and watching theirapplication, according to theConstitution, "and adds that" the Finance Committee objected to theoil figures in thebudget of 2015, both in terms ofproduction, export or price, and suggested that the amount of export three million and 50 thousand barrels per day , not three million and 600 thousand, during thecurrent 2016, as set by thegovernment, because they know that Kurdistan will not hand over its share of thefederal government. "expresses Tamimi, expressed regret that" the oil ministry and other stakeholders including the parliament did not take theobjections of theCommission and its proposals . " usually that " thegovernment deliberately inorder to be agood Iraqi economy reputation on theinternational level, and not toincrease thebudget deficit to save face in front of people, because they can not justify a deficit of 74 billion dollars."oil expert: petroleum estimates unrealistic and doubled budget deficit of For his part , the oil expert confirms that the oil estimates in thebudgets of theFederal "unrealistic" and doubled the amount of thedeficit, the longer that thestakeholders reproduced budgets without taking the trouble todiffering quantities produced or exported and thevolatility ofglobal prices or even the state expenses. He says Hamza jeweler, said in an interview to (long - Presse), " the prices that are supposed to calculate oil revenues in thebudget of thecurrent 2016 were not realistic, and was higher than theworld price expectations , " noting that " thebudget and put the price of oil source on thebasis of $ 45 a barrel, while it was not to $ 36 more than thetime which confirms miscalculation. "it is noteworthy Jeweler, that" theexpectations of the export of oil budget was also wrong because Iraq has been unable to export three million and 400 thousand barrels per day from the south, and 600 thousand last of the North ", noting that" export from thesouthern fields three barrier did not exceed million barrels aday, with no access to any amount of theKurdistan region 's oil. " sees oil expert, said" thefigures in thefederal budget ,both related tooil production or exports, unrealistic and should be reconsidered them along thelines of what happened in thepast years, "is that" the most worthy ofparliament was lifted any patches fishy because it doubles thebudget deficit. "he holds thejeweler," Finance and planning ministries responsible forsetting unrealistic estimates thebudget, because the oil ministry to give estimates of the maximum throughput capacity, "returned that" the Commission parliamentary Finance should have beenaudited these estimates do not accept exaggerated. " he continues , oil expert, said there was " areproduction of the budgets without costing stakeholders themselves thetrouble ofdiffering quantities produced or exported and thevolatility ofglobal prices or even the state expenses. "economist: a must of agovernment oftechnocrats re -adjust theeconomy to be the budget is absurd and carries an economist andpolitical blocs responsibility confusion budgets being nominated ministers concerned placing them, and emphasizes the need for a government oftechnocrats re -set the economy on a sound scientific basis, to be a budget " areal and absurd."the name says Antoine, in aninterview with(long - Presse), he said that "Iraq is not prescribed economic budgets ofdevelopment but budgets policy , " returned to "bargaining blocs are imposing their will on thebudget, through the principle agreed to us at this number agree with you on that number, a principle that has always he was governor and president both during theprevious years or offline. " adds Antoine, that" political problems cast ashadow over budgets, in 2014 , the past hasbeen agreed with the Kurdistan region to determine thequantity ofproduction and export, but that was not a realistic or accurate to thelack of concrete agreements . " , returned to " theproblem is not allowing professionals and economists toexercise their role." asserts economist, that " the corrupt are the beneficiaries of the status inaccurate numbers and more than expected already in the budget, because they arewaiting foropportunities to their desire not toprovide a final or budgets precise calculations, especially as the achievements of the oil from a big return for Iraq in the past two years did not Aois any achievement on the ground, but on the contrary ,which paid for the citizen. "explains Antoine, that" the Iraqi budget estimates lacking to extrapolate global oil prices ,economic growth and the surplus associated withOPEC, "He continues , " TheIraq when develop aprogram for theexport of five or six million barrels a day toprove beyond all reality."wondering economist, "is Iraq to the pipeline system for export does have sufficient or ports for charging tanks?" and carries " thefull responsibility of the political blocs for that confusion and estimation real because they are nominated by theconcerned ministers put thebudget. " stresses Antoine, the need for " the existence of agovernment oftechnocrats re -set the economy on a sound scientific basis, to be real, is theabsurdity ofbudgets, and that pulls the political hands of thepressure on budgets andeconomic s ingeneral. "another expert: political pressures and adesire to cover behind theexaggeration oil estimates thedeficit and inturn confirms economist else, that political pressures and inresponse thegovernment andits willingness to cover the virtual budget deficit, why exaggerate oil estimates.Ahmed says Rehn, said in aninterview to the(long - Presse), " the pressures strong so by politicians to increase spending inresponse to thegovernment have led to anexaggeration in the development of oil exports numbers of Iraqi budgets, to justify raising funds spending ,"noting that the" pressure is thefinancial obligations of theState, such as thepayment of staff and supplies for their operations departments salaries. " He adds Rehn, that there " in other legal obligations on the Iraqi state to the contractors in the binding implementation of projects, because when itincluded budget and is committed to the contractor implemented theproject becomes a legal contract can from which the last to complain to thegovernment , " and continues to this "oil budget estimates are always inaccurate, and elevated to cover the virtual deficit where. " and demonstrates aneconomist, so that" in thecurrent 2016 budget included determining theamount of oil exported three million and 600 thousand barrels per day, while the government can not afford it, because they can, to be issued three million and 350 thousand barrels only. " IMF international: We have advised Iraq to reduce expenses and stick to it affirms the international Monetary Fund, he noted thedisparity between theestimated and verified oil exports, and advised the Iraqi government toreduce expenditures in light of thedecline inimports has committed to do so. the head of the IMF mission for Iraq, Christian nut, in the event to the(long - Presse ), " the Fund noted the disparity between oil exports estimated numbers of Iraqi budgets and verified already ," and shows that "in the past 2015 budget, oil exports three million and 300 thousand barrels per day wasestimated at $ 56 a barrel, while realized it was actually three million barrels only a day at anaverage of $ 48. " He adds coconut, that" the Fund advised the Iraqi authorities toreduce expenditures in light of thedecline inimports compared towhat extent in the budget , "and adds that" theIraqi authorities are committed tothat advice. "planning and oil: the dilemma is not Borkamna there region exports aproblemMeanwhile defended the ministries ofplanning and oil on the budget estimates, while the first indicated that they "were not wrong , " but was in the past years , "less than world prices", the second confirmed that the figures arebuilt on the basis of the output of the central and southern fields, and deliver theKurdistan region , who "was and still dilemma."says aspokesman forthe Ministry ofplanning, Abdul Zahra al -Hindawi, said in an interview to the (long -Presse), " theministry is not concerned withestimates size ofoil production and export , " and adds that " the preparation of the budget by the Ministry ofplanning and oil are based on thenumbers that you send Wara oil being the concerned subject. "explains al -Hindawi, that" oil estimates in the budgets of the years 2012 - 2014 and earlier, were placed on the basis of $ 85 a barrel, while it was sold for ahundred dollars, which means that the estimate did not not wrong ,but less than theworld market price. " for his part , says aspokesman forthe oil Ministry, Assem Jihad, said in aninterview to the(long - Presse)," the estimates set by the ministry due to reading experts to develop global markets present and future as well as theOrganization of petroleumexporting countries forecast oil (OPEC). "attribute jihad, what happened during the past two years, to the" outside constants known factors among experts in themeasurement ofoil prices, as aresult of changes in the global market because of political wills that operate on reduced to pass many goals related to what ishappening in theregion , " he adds that "lower prices also came as a result offailure by OPEC to cut production to the insistence of some countries, including Saudi Arabia , which isleading the Gulf bloc." and more than aspokesman forthe oil Ministry, said "not resolve the issue of theKurdistan oil effect is one in the ministry estimates thebudget", and continues that " the region produces large quantities of oil ranging from 600 to 700 thousand barrels per day, and it did not provide the Ministry ofFinance any information about them, despite the claim to do so. "continues toJihad," Theministry does not assume alone theresponsibility ofvarying oil estimates, as anexecutive, as the government Federal House ofRepresentatives and the political blocs bear in turn part of theresponsibility forit, "and goes onto" the oil ministry to give based on the output of thecentral and southern fields ,production numbers, and deliver theKurdistan region, which was and still dilemma. "citizens: politicians are should bear theconsequences ofwasting public money and corruption and on the opinion of the Iraqi street theme, polled (long - Presse) the opinion of the citizens weresurprised by which to hold them responsible for the rampant corruption and waste of public money over thepast years, although the "great whales" and politicians ,who should bear the consequences of that. He says Hussein Naim, (32 years old), in an interview to the (long -Presse), " thecuts imposed by the government employees and pensioners hasled to considerable disruption budgets of their families , " and wondered ,"Where did theIraqi oil money?". the Iraqi budget law for 2016 this provides for the deduction of 3 percent of employees 'salaries, inapplication of austerity winning because of lower oil prices, which left a large deficit in thebudget. He adds Naim, which istrying in vain to adjust the family budget, that " thegovernment did not take into consideration thefamilies expenses from eating, drinking and electricity, water and generator The schools and thehealth, transport and others , "and surprised the" Download thesimple responsibility ofwasting public money and corruption citizen, while thelarge whales and politicians ingeneral, are thebeneficiaries of higher oil prices to above $ percent. " a review of theIraqi budget for the period from 2011 to 2015, theapparent disparity between thevolume of oil exported from Iraq and estimated Bhsabha, with oil revenues estimated in theIraqi general federal budget for fiscal year 2015, the amount of ninety - four thousand and forty - eight billion and three hundred and sixty - four million and onehundred and thirty - nine thousand dinars, the rate of export of oil of three million and three hundred thousand barrels per day ,including 250,000 barrels of the region, and 300,000 barrels of Kirkuk, while asource in thenational Company for marketing oil "Sumo" confirmed that the daily export of this year 'srate of 3 million and 4 thousand and 874 barrels, while the oil from northern Iraq has a final stop for the ninth month of thesame year, and did not acknowledge any of the past 2014 budget.estimated the federal budget for 2013 oil revenue of onehundred and nineteen thousand two hundred and ninety - six billion , six hundred and sixty - three million and ninety - six thousand dinars, the rate of export of oil of two million nine hundred thousand barrels per day) ,including (250000 ) barrels per day from theregion and (two hundred and fifty thousand barrels of oil produced from Kirkuk, but our source in the"Sumo" pointed out that theexport of this year 's rate of 2 million, 390 thousand, and 92 barrels ,including oil region and Kirkuk. the budget for Iraq Federal general revenues 2012 has beenestimated at onehundred and two thousand and three hundred and twenty - six billion and Tmnmih and ninety million dinars, the rate ofexport of oil reached two million and six hundred thousand barrels per day ,including (175,000) barrels per day ( onehundred and seventy five thousand barrels per day of crude oil produced quantities in theKurdistan region, but the source ofSOMO confirmed also that the daily export of this year amounted to2 million and 429 thousand and 988 barrels ,including Kurdistan, Kirkuk province.while the oil revenues , budget 2011 Federal has been estimated at eighty thousand and nine hundred and thirty - four billion , seven hundred and ninety million five hundred thousand dinars, the rate of export of daily oil rate of two million and two hundred thousand barrels per day) ,including (100,000) barrels per day ( ahundred thousand barrels per day) for theproduct in theKurdistan region of quantities ofcrude oil, but thesource of sumo between the rate of the quantities exported per day of oil this year amounted to2,165,670 barrels , including Kurdistan, Kirkuk province.[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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