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    Consultant Abadi coalition calls for the reconstruction of Iraq and parliamentary demanding the help

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    Consultant Abadi coalition calls for the reconstruction of Iraq and parliamentary demanding the help Empty Consultant Abadi coalition calls for the reconstruction of Iraq and parliamentary demanding the help

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 May 2016, 4:07 am

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    Side of the devastation caused by Daash Ramadi
    Consultant Abadi coalition calls for the reconstruction of Iraq and parliamentary demanding the help of a "killer terrorism on behalf of the world."

    Author: HH, ZJ 
    Editor: BK, HH 1.5.2016 10:05 Number ofViews: 266 

    [rtl]Long-Presse / Baghdad[/rtl]
    [rtl]Confirmed economic advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said on Sunday that Iraq needs international coalition for reconstruction and construction along the lines of military support is currently in preparation for the post-regulation (Daash), as promised member of the Finance Committee of Parliament that the international community should help more than a "killer terrorism on behalf of the world, "economic expert called on donor countries to provide grants and soft loans and long-term contribution to the return of life to the devastated areas.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "Iraq needs an international coalition for reconstruction and construction along the lines that the military is currently in preparation for the post (Daash)", returned it necessary to "turning the war against expenses (Daash) to construction and reconstruction, to address the mass grave of infrastructure in the areas occupied by the terrorist organization, including, but not limited to, more than 130 bridges destroyed and hundreds of government buildings and university laboratories and companies. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]Saleh added that "the international community on security and stability in Iraq," returned that "it is through reconstruction, which should be the main objective of the donor conference to be held next May to be useful for Iraq the right to be."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The economic advisor to the prime minister, that "the budget bill indicates that Iraq Reconstruction Fund which contains 500 billion dinars, has other resources as donations and contributions from organizations and friendly countries," adding that "the donor conference should maximize the leverage of Iraq mechanisms."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The reconstruction of the affected areas fund terrorist operations, announced in a (31st March 2016), the formation of four committees to follow up and study plans for the donor conference, which was scheduled to take place in April (current), confirming the presence of government support for the conference.[/rtl]
    [rtl]For her part, member of the Economic Committee of Representatives Najiba Najib, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the Iraqi government's plan for the reconstruction of areas devastated by terrorism, is preparing for an international conference business people and organizations and donor countries involved in it."[/rtl]
    [rtl]Najib explained that "the current political crisis will not be an obstacle to a conference of donor countries, as some believe," asserting that "the crisis is moving towards detente after the resumption of the parliamentary sessions, and to provide the Prime Minister, the new ministerial his booth."[/rtl]
    [rtl]I promised the MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, that "the conference of donor countries is very important for Iraq and should have been held for some time because what Iraq needs for reconstruction estimated at billions of dollars, and that the budget can not afford it," calling on donor nations to "Iraq's help, who fought a guerrilla (Daash) terrorist behalf of the world. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]In turn, said the economist Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The price of oil is determines the need for Iraq to loans," noting that "the better the price of oil at the earliest, the less the need for Iraq to loans."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said Rehn, that "the Iraqi economic policy should focus on investments promote non-oil exports, and reduce borrowing from abroad as much as possible not to shackle the country further to the outside commitments," pointing out that "the duty of donor countries to provide more assistance to Iraq either long-term loans and a few reasonable benefits or grants. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]The reconstruction of areas affected by terrorism fund identified in (the 18th of February 2016), the month of April, as the date for the convening of the international conference for the reconstruction of liberated areas, to then be postponed until the month of May, calling on the State Department to guide Iraq's ambassadors to urge the governments of the countries where they are to attend the meeting to be held in Jordan.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The head of the reconstruction of areas affected by terrorism fund, Abdul Basit Turki confirmed, in (the 17 of February 2016), the need to support the areas liberated from al (Daash), and the holding of an international donors conference for the reconstruction and reduce the financial burden on the Iraqi government, revealed the start areas of the provinces of Diyala, Salahuddin after the availability of the World Bank loan of $ 350 million.[/rtl]
    [rtl]It mentions the liberated areas that (Daash), both in Diyala or Salahuddin mother Anbar, as well as Nineveh, suffers from a significant destruction of infrastructure and various civil manifestations, as a result of the barbarism of that organization and use a wide range of improvised explosive devices and booby-trapping, as well as the impact of military operations.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The team of the United Nations said in (the fourth of March 2016), said that the destruction in the city of Ramadi, capital of Anbar province, (110 km west of Baghdad), "a stunning and worse than anywhere else in Iraq," and that after his first visit to assess the situation in a city that restored Iraqi forces from organizing Daash end of the year 2015 the past.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Showed an analysis by the United Nations in February 2016, depending on the satellite images, that about five thousand and 700 buildings in Ramadi and its environs, damaged since the middle of 2014 and about 2,000 homes were completely destroyed.[/rtl]

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