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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by lonelyintexas Tue 28 May 2013, 8:44 pm

    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    29/05/2013 12:00 AM

    Tribute to the transfer of parliamentary relations between the two countries to broad prospects

    Baghdad Shaima Rashid

    Yielded a meeting took place on Tuesday between the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, an agreement to move forward in improving relations between the two sides.
    This came at a time when praised MPs position Kuwaiti proposal to close all outstanding issues and to speed up the drive Iraq from Chapter VII, which greatly hurt in Iraq since the nineties of the last century, so far.

    An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, announced his country's welcome to transfer a file of prisoners and missing Kuwaitis in Iraq to Chapter VI instead of the seventh, stressing that Kuwait has encouraged Iraq to implement all the decisions that come under Chapter VII, it's also commends including by the Iraqi side of the implementation of the resolutions within the framework of this chapter during the past period.

    Arrived Zebari to Kuwait yesterday evening (Monday), as he was greeted at the airport, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah and senior officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait. Entourage includes a Zebari both Fadel Mohammed Jawad, legal adviser to the prime minister and Mohammed al-Haj Hammoud, Advisor to the Minister and a number of staff and the Iraqi Foreign Ministry. According to sources, especially for the morning, the morning and Zebari stressed the importance of strengthening relations between the two countries, and agreed on the importance of Kuwait's support for Iraq out of Chapter VII.

    The sources confirmed that Iraq would emerge from this chapter will be soon, especially after Baghdad has fulfilled all its obligations towards Kuwait.

    In the meantime, the price of MP for the rule of law, Ihsan al-Awadi remarkable progress in Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations file a future, which is pushing to remove Iraq from Chapter VII that has paralyzed the Iraqi economy and the political situation since the nineties of the last century until today. He said al-Awadi in an interview »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» that «this progress is nothing but a result of the government's efforts good and systematic through mutual visits and offers of goodwill by the parties to resolve outstanding issues», adding that the closure of these files is in favor of removing Iraq from Chapter VII of money to start a new page with its neighbor Kuwait.

    The MP for the existence of action steps organized by the government to speed up the Iraq out of this chapter, especially if the other party is Kuwait seeks to resolve, on the grounds that Iraq has entered into this chapter because he entered Kuwait, adding that «Kuwaiti position now become a positive and that there is a sincere intentions by Kuwait to close this file, wishing that this matter quickly and during the lifetime of the current government and not exceed to the next government.

    Iraq has been under since 1990 with Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, which imposed after the invasion of Saddam's regime of Kuwait in August of the same year, and this item allows the use of force against Iraq as a threat to international security, in addition to large amounts of frozen his assets financial global banks to pay compensation to those affected by the invasion. part, counting the Iraqi List MP Hassan Khudair al-Hamdani welcomed the Kuwaiti move a file of prisoners and missing Kuwaitis to Chapter VI, of the important things and the good in order to achieve good results satisfy both parties, considering that the most important thing is to remove Iraq from the dark tunnel a Chapter VII.

    Hamdani said in an interview »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» that «This is a positive step toward resolving the issues and the development of relations with neighboring Kuwait, returned an important diplomatic achievement at this stage.

    Between the MP said «This agreement would facilitate the process of removing Iraq from UN resolutions on the grounds that the stakeholders in this matter (Kuwait) and that if what has been agreed between the two countries will raise the barrier in front of the UN Security Council.

    He said al-Hamdani that the current situation imposes on Kuwait to work on the settlement of these files formal private that the two countries are important economically and linked port maritime common, noting that the next few days will see an intensification of efforts in order to resolve the matter fully through discussions International in the presence of goodwill of the parties that the solution of these files in the end hurt the interests of the two peoples.

    The MP said «relations, Iraq - Kuwait live today the best of its level parliament and government», noting that the outstanding issues are resolved one after the other, leaving them only a few, including the missing file, and hoped to solve the rest of the files during the next few days in order for Iraq after the development of its relations with the Gulf countries because the stability of Iraq means the stability of the entire region because of its Iraq from the site and the power of a worker in a calm basis.

    He revealed the Kuwaiti Prime Minister in a statement to »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» Recently, with the direction of Iraq and Kuwait to sign bilateral agreements task between the two countries, saying: «I am honored to visit Iraq during the next term» noting that «the visit would send an important message to the effect that Kuwait is not have any problems with the Iraqi people, but had problems with the former regime has gone.

    It is scheduled to hold talks 'important' between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and blessed.

    The talks are expected to yield between the two sides for closing files stuck paving years ago to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.

    Looks like to me with the wording in this new article that the visit is on, and we could see something to finish things up soon. Up about two or three paragraphs where it says "during the next few days."
    day dreamer
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by day dreamer Tue 28 May 2013, 9:26 pm

    wow this is TOTALLY AWESOME article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

    sources confirmed that Iraq would emerge from this

    will be soon
    especially after Baghdad has fulfilled all its obligations towards

    that the closure of these files is in favor of removing Iraq from Chapter VII
    of money
    to start a new page with its neighbor

    position now become a positive and that there is a sincere intentions by Kuwait
    to close this file, wishing that this matter quickly
    and during the lifetime of
    the current government and not exceed to the next

    the MP said «This agreement would facilitate the process of removing Iraq from
    UN resolutions on the grounds that the stakeholders in this matter (Kuwait)
    that if what has been agreed between the two countries will raise the barrier in
    front of the UN Security Council.

    revealed the Kuwaiti Prime Minister
    a statement to »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» Recently, with the
    direction of Iraq and Kuwait to sign bilateral agreements task between the two

    «I am honored to visit Iraq during the next term»
    that «the visit would send an important message to the effect that Kuwait is not
    have any problems with the Iraqi people
    , but had problems with the former regime
    has gone.
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by zimi31 Tue 28 May 2013, 9:56 pm

    This is awesome DD!!! Thanks to LIT and you for nice big print..easier on these tired eyes!!! :D

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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by Neno Wed 29 May 2013, 3:49 am

    I hope it is true and just not to pacify others. The sunni batheist ex especially as anyone should be able to see their rejection as they were the occupation in control during that invasion under Saddam. Good luck on the soon, I am ready... ;)
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by Screwball Wed 29 May 2013, 4:11 am

    Nice article! Certainly reads great and looks good! Time ill tell!
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by zimi31 Wed 29 May 2013, 5:51 am

    Neno wrote:I hope it is true and just not to pacify others. The sunni batheist ex especially as anyone should be able to see their rejection as they were the occupation in control during that invasion under Saddam. Good luck on the soon, I am ready... ;)

    I share your concerns, but if we know it's important, then Maliki and 'company' know it is and will make it happen!!! We're all ready and I guess it will happen when it's supposed to!!! ;)
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by mochasmom Wed 29 May 2013, 6:17 am

    I like next few days and finished within lifetime of current government. Great find, thank you!

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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by wciappetta Wed 29 May 2013, 8:37 am

    So again the PM visits, signs agreements, passes the tea, has a photo op and brings to a close all outstanding issues..... I love stories with a happy ending.... It's almost over now.....

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by zimi31 Wed 29 May 2013, 9:35 am

    wciappetta wrote:So again the PM visits, signs agreements, passes the tea, has a photo op and brings to a close all outstanding issues..... I love stories with a happy ending.... It's almost over now.....

    Oh Ward, you sure do have a way with words...can't wait for our happy ending ☀
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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

    Post by ramplead Wed 29 May 2013, 9:52 am

    wciappetta wrote:So again the PM visits, signs agreements, passes the tea, has a photo op and brings to a close all outstanding issues..... I love stories with a happy ending.... It's almost over now.....

    Nothing wrong with a happy ending!

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    Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI Empty Re: Zebari said in Kuwait after the deportation of the missing file to Chapter VI

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