BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq stressed the economic and investment commission in Parliament member Abdul-Salam al-Maliki, Sunday, the low level of cash reserves of hard currency to the low levels portend serious disasters in the short and long term has been threatening to bankrupt Iraq and drowning in Alforeigh.oukal Maliki debt in a statement today : that "there are measures included many of the suspicions of corruption and fraud in what is known as a window of foreign currency sale at the Central Bank, which caused the depletion of the currency of the country and led to the decline of dollar reserves in a safe bank, which was of more than $ 80 billion to the unknown number can not bank Central permit him ", adding that" we have confirmed information that indicates a low level of cash reserves of hard currency to the low levels portend serious disasters in the short and long term has been threatening to bankrupt Iraq and sank in the external debt. "He explained that" there is a huge difference between the approved market price local all accredited to the Central Bank of the price, allowing the spoilers and behind them by depriving the government of tax and Alcomerk in addition to depriving the Iraqi people of the benefit of the real exchange rate. "He pointed out that" the central bank has failed to control the exchange rates of foreign currencies, despite the many promises made by the actions carried out by, and that was the result increased the corrupt wealth and increasing poverty citizen ".ouhml Maliki's central bank" responsibility for this corruption and waste of the people's wealth exciting way to suspicions managed through which corrupt the drain on the domestic economy, "warning" to take punitive action in the interrogation and to hold accountable those responsible for this omission and negligence in the event of failure to take swift action to stop this thing. "