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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Islamic Cooperation gathered two billion dollars to Iraq's displaced

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Islamic Cooperation gathered two billion dollars to Iraq's displaced Empty Islamic Cooperation gathered two billion dollars to Iraq's displaced

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Oct 2016, 3:24 am

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    Islamic Cooperation gathered two billion dollars to Iraq's displaced

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari, to help Iraq materially in its war against (Daesh) size comparable to the sacrifices of his people. 
    He said the Information Office of the Foreign Ministry, in a statement received (range Press), a copy of "Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari met with Director of theOrganization of Islamic Cooperation Office in Baghdad in favor of poetic. " 
    during the meeting, according to the statement, discussed the latest political situation and security in Iraq, thebig victories that Iraqis have achieved in their war against Daesh gangs terrorist, and the conditions of thedisplaced families, and the efforts of the Islamic cooperation Organization in mobilizing humanitarian support for Iraq. 
    the statement Jaafari as saying that " the strength of the power of Iraq to all the Arab countries, and Muslim , " adding that "Iraq fighting a war in defense of himself and on behalf of the whole world; which requires support size comparable to the sacrifices of the Iraqi people , especially as it was passing through a difficult financial circumstances as a result of lower oil prices, The cost of the war against terrorism . " 
    for his part , Director of the Organization of Islamic cooperation Office in favor of poetic stressed that" theorganization was able to provide two billion dollars to finance the securing humanitarian aid for the displaced, and the resettlement of the liberated areas, and a million and a half million dollars to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the displaced project, in addition to the amount of five hundred million dollars soft loan to help Iraq to secure the humanitarian needs , "expressing" willingness of the organization to hold 2 Mecca conference to reverse the image of the Iraqi community cohesion. "

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