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    envoy Trump Jaafari: nothing compares to what the day holds in Iraq after 2014

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     envoy Trump Jaafari: nothing compares to what the day holds in Iraq after 2014 Empty envoy Trump Jaafari: nothing compares to what the day holds in Iraq after 2014

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Mar 2017, 6:55 am

    envoy Trump Jaafari: nothing compares to what the day holds in Iraq after 2014[/size]
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     4 hours ago

    Twilight News / met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari on Sunday Bert Makourk special envoy of the US President, Donald Trump and the forces of the international coalition to fight Daesh, and his accompanying delegation.
     According to a statement issued by al-Jaafari's office During the meeting, they reviewed the conduct of military operations against the terrorist gangs Daesh, big victories achieved by the sons of the Iraqi armed forces Besnovha all in their war against terrorism and the support of the international coalition, and friendly countries to Iraq.
    The statement quoted al-Jaafari as saying that Iraq demanded in 2014 the United Nations and the international community need to support the three ranges: real-time through the provision of air support and cooperation of intelligence to counter terrorism, and the average of the provision of the necessary for families displaced supplies, and run through the reconstruction of infrastructure Iraq's post-elimination of Daesh.
    He said Iraq needed for a project similar to the Marshall project, which contributed to the construction of Germany after the Second World War to contribute to the achievement of security, stability and reconstruction, and economic development, calling for: the whole world to stand respectfully and fairly for the sacrifices of the Iraqi people, who have made a large number of his sons, He faced terrorism, and defeated him, noting that the war of terrorism today is not the territory of war, or political interests, and economic, but it is a war against human everywhere.
    Jaafari He pointed out that Daesh not born in Iraq, but they came from abroad, and for everyone to work, and coordination; to ease the crisis in the region; to prevent the emergence of new terrorist groups.
    He added that any tension in regional relations would provide a favorable climate for the work of terrorism and increase its effectiveness, and that we, despite our refusal of the Turkish intervention in Iraqi territory but our commitment to the relationship with them and the Security Council should put this fact in front of his eyes, which we reaffirmed in 2015 in the Turkish penetration in Bashiqa, indicating keen to establish better relations between the Arab countries in general and the geographical proximity especially as they have a major impact on the deployment of an atmosphere of security and stability in the region and the whole world.
    And disclosed by saying: the strategic framework agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington, including many areas of cooperation, and the exchange of common interests and face common dangers, and we have to work on activated.
    For his part, Makourk said that "the Iraqi people was conscious, and unite to confront terrorism, stressing: will be eliminated terrorist Daesh gangs, and beyond Iraq unity of this crisis, and be more secure, stable, explaining: None today compared to what happened in Iraq after the entry of terrorists Daesh 2014, "adding that later this month will host the United States, a meeting of foreign ministers of 65 countries within the framework of the international coalition; to discuss developments in the war, and continue efforts; to eliminate terrorism, and ways to enhance cooperation in the next stage."
     He noted that he visited many countries before coming to Iraq, and everyone was surprised at the progress in Iraq from the victories, and the progress in the war against Daesh terrorist gangs. "
    He pointed Makourk that "he did not score the attention of the world in Iraq also check after 2014 as countries gathered to support Iraq in its war against terrorism," stressing that "it is the US administration's priorities eliminate terrorists Daesh, and it will not be achieved only through cooperation with Iraq."

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