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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economy: no fear of capital flight from the country being non-existent

    Interacting Investor
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    Economy: no fear of capital flight from the country being non-existent Empty Economy: no fear of capital flight from the country being non-existent

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 04 Aug 2013, 2:56 pm

    Economy: no fear of capital flight from the country being non-existent

    04/08/2013-8: 43 pm

    The parliamentary Economic Committee, ruled out Sunday, fears the flight of foreign capital out of the country, being a "non-existent", pointing out that the country lacks the money of those heads will not differentiate him things because of the current situation.

    Committee member Rep. said Qusay Juma Abadi "the security situation in Iraq is not new but it exists for more than eight years," he said, adding that "Iraq originally does not contain huge foreign investment funds even fear of escape."

    "The Central Bank law does not prohibit the transfer of funds abroad, and there are fears the flight of local funds outside the country," he said, adding that "the Iraqi private sector traders like work at home and would not leave for the last period, but they need to encourage."

    He noted "the absence of recommendations made by the Parliamentary Committee on the economy to keep Iraqi money out but all are thinking about how to support the private sector wants to turn into a wheel of national economic development and constitutional clauses chdga of the private sector".

    The economists and money, they expected the Iraqi capital flight ........ of the country over the next few months because of the unstable security situation, calling on the Government to reassure local and foreign investors to work in Iraq.

    The IMF said in a report released in (21 March 2013) following the conclusion of the consultations held in the Jordanian capital of Oman between a delegation from the Fund and an Iraqi delegation led by the Minister of planning Ali Shukri, the improvement in the financial sector but said it still needed more efforts by the Central Bank in revising the monetary policy tools and strengthen banking supervision and to accelerate the restructuring of the banking system.

    The number of private banks 42 banks spread throughout Iraq and outside the network of over 500 branches and the number of their employees by 12,000, the total bank funds private heads in Iraq more than 8 trillion dinars, according to the Association of banks last month also manages private banks of private deposits up to 10 trillion dinars.

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