Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sustainable development and well-being

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Sustainable development and well-being Empty Sustainable development and well-being

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 May 2017, 2:32 am

    Sustainable development and well-being

    05/03/2017 0:00

    Saad al-Tai
    The attention to sustainable development issues, one of the important factors in achieving economic growth for members of society in general, leading to the events of great quality in the gears of economic progress and social welfare.
    Sustainable development is one of the top priorities in seeking communities to reach economic progress, as Anhachml poverty reduction and the provision of health services to citizens and the provision of quality education and access to energy, water , and the provision of employment and housing opportunities for adequate prices, all this contributes to economic progress
    and social.
    The interest in achieving economic growth leads to well - being , which can be reached through a clear strategy and provide the necessary resources and to involve the members of society in the success of this strategy in order to achieve the benefits of the society in
    It can also benefit from the capabilities of the media in organizing campaigns to educate citizens about the importance of these issues and involve them in the implementation of the
    When developing the strategy must set priorities and goals and to focus on job creation through multi - project production areas because it is capable of eradicating unemployment and the provision of adequate income, should also improve the educational system through the development of teaching staffs and curricula to keep pace with the scientific developments witnessed by the world, as well as attention school with buildings and processing in order to extend students with the necessary tools in order to absorb the subjects, and the development of health services has a vital role in preserving the lives of people and prevent them from diseases
    The provision of adequate housing for citizens of one of the important priorities in the strategy of sustainable development, it can be set up residential compounds that can reduce the housing crisis as well as providing employment opportunities and their contribution to the elimination of unemployment, and must work to help citizens to obtain housing units by facilitating the payment of amounts by citizens and the prices are affordable for the majority of low - income
    and medium - sized.
    Also , work on the preservation of the environment from pollution is one of the things are very vital to the lives of the peoples of what leaves the pollution of the environmental and health and life - threatening damage to the lives of people at the present time and generations
    All this must be within a specific strategy in a court to be implemented in accordance with the provisions and specific stages of time in order to ensure its success and to achieve the desired goals and achievements of

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