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    British police reveal new details about the London attack

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    British police reveal new details about the London attack Empty British police reveal new details about the London attack

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Jun 2017, 4:21 am

    British police reveal new details about the London attack

    09:42 - 06/10/2017

    The perpetrators of the attack, which took place last Saturday in London tried to hire a truck weighing 7.5 tons was the deadliest attack would make, before returning and choose a smaller truck, British police said.

    Revealed Dean Hayden head of anti-terrorism unit in the British police, that in the day of the attack tried to Khurram Pat, one of the perpetrators of the attack, to get online on the truck, but the "payment mechanism (money) failed."

    He explained Hayden that if he managed aggressors get larger truck were the consequences of (assault) much worse, saying: "At this stage of the investigation, it seems to me that (Khurram Pat) resorted to the plan" B ", which allowed hire a smaller truck."

    The London witnessed last Saturday, a terrorist operation carried out three attackers before ran over a car type "van" passers-by on the London Bridge, and attacked after visitors with knives in the Borough Market area restaurants and cafes, leaving seven dead and about fifty injured.

    Police killed three attackers, and the adoption of the "Daesh" Alhjum.anthy / 25 m

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