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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Legal expert: Abadi, the owner of the power and authority according to the constitution and not Iya

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     Legal expert: Abadi, the owner of the power and authority according to the constitution and not Iya Empty Legal expert: Abadi, the owner of the power and authority according to the constitution and not Iya

    Post by Rocky Mon 19 Jun 2017, 2:26 am

    Legal expert: Abadi, the owner of the power and authority according to the constitution and not Iyad Allawi


    Said the legal expert Tareq Harb, said Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the owner of power and authority in accordance with the Constitution and not the Vice President of the Republic.
    He said in a statement obtained by "direction Press" a copy of it, "that the media yesterday released two statements do not match the feud does not say they were the first opposing the prime minister statement and the second Vice President Iyad Allawi told in one case, it is the issue of feud, referring to The Constitution and the law and order gives legitimacy and legality to a statement that the prime minister said Article 78 of the Constitution considered the direct executive responsible for the general policy of the Prime Minister. "
    He said the war "that all state authority Taativeh Presidency of the Republic and the prime minister and parliament and all the Iraqi state and the relations held by Iraq with other countries is one of the general policy of the state such as the relationship with the two countries two different Saudi Arabia and Qatar did not give the constitution any other government figure this authority or part of it as President of the Republic or his deputies. "
    He noted that "the prime minister's position and the handling of the policy with the states of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are to be implemented and reliable constitutionally and legally, especially since the system of government is a parliamentary system in accordance with the first article of the Constitution, in which the authorities and the powers and prerogatives of the prime minister is not our presidential system to be the authorities of the President and Vice" .

    He continued, "The Constitution, the Vice President of the Republic did not give any authority or power to make sure that Article V of the Vice President of the Republic Law No. (1) for the year 2011 which decided that the Vice-President of the Republic shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by the President of the Republic."
    And "that this authority to the prime minister is constitutionally not the President of the Republic shall be authorized to this authority because he does not have this authority so empowered and the same thing was repeated in Order No. (1) for the year 2015 which identified Article IV which powers and Vice President of the Republic of the tasks and duties determined by the President of the Republic, and if Vice President of the Republic of Egypt has Azhrva his hostility to Qatar and Saudi Arabia closer than this is contrary to the prime minister's policy of being at the same distance from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the fact that the interest of the country realized not to enter into a state of hostility to any country. "
    He called to act in a single standard between these two countries and origin in Iraq's interest and not the interest of Saudi Arabia or Qatar's interest, the fact that Iraq needs a friendship of all nations and peoples and not to enter into disputes of any state :.
    He noted that "Iraq to achieve Iraq's first interest is not Saudi Arabia's interest or the interest of Qatar, therefore, relying upon the position of the prime minister and considered the report by the Vice President of the Republic is a pick by law and constitution, then it is good as determined by the Prime Minister and not any other party as long as the constitution with the prime minister" .
    The Vice - President Iyad Allawi accused yesterday at a news conference at the conclusion of his visit to Cairo, Qatar to adopt a project to divide Iraq and interference in the "discord" and to encourage the Palestinian extremist forces in the "attacks" on Egypt. sa

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