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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Dec 2012, 12:21 pm

    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Kalemrsas

    on 22/12/2012 | Author Yusuf Rashid Yousef Al-Rashed

    As we continue to stream events and developments and positive statements by brothers officials in the Kuwaiti government and serious attempts to remove Iraq from items penalties (Chapter VII) and older approximately more than twenty years after Iraq has fulfilled his regime New Democratic all its obligations to the international community and expressed his cooperation and goodwill of neighbor sister Kuwait and turned the page past and open a new page and is now looking forward to the lifting of these sanctions and after that saw Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations are positive developments in the representation and exchange diplomatic and mutual visits and the signing of economic agreements, cultural and media and commercial by the parties, the early 2013, will see a planned visit by Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah to Iraq to sign protocols would end all outstanding matters between Iraq and Kuwait, which will contribute to the lift and remove Chapter VII in addition to resolving other files represented in resolving environmental problems and shelf and problems of compensation to Iraqi farmers and objective remains of Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons and Kuwaiti property was preceded announcement two countries end the dispute and settlement final issue of Iraqi Airways and the settlement of financial and National Archives and the UN Security Council has passed three resolutions before soon ended whereby the majority of the sanctions imposed on Iraq and included these three resolutions to end the work oil for food program, which was adopted in the nineties of the last century and the second resolution agreeing to end the international management Iraqi resources through the Development Fund for Iraq and the third resolution lifting the ban on imports and to allow him to implement a nuclear program for peaceful purposes and is these decisions are a good omen for Iraq and its people in the construction and reconstruction and to exercise its role in Arab society and the fact that countries no longer poses a threat to world peace and that Kuwait has informed the UN cooperation Iraq with the resolution of all outstanding issues and the United Nations will in next January to vote on lifting sanctions seventh item on Iraq that these developments and efforts did not bear fruit without the efforts and endeavors undertaken by Iraqi men and especially men ISCI and stream Mihrab Martyr, led by His Eminence martyr mihrab Mr. Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim (may Allah have mercy on him), who contributed his efforts on several occasions before his death to claim to solve all dilemmas for the restoration of sovereignty and independence true of Iraq and can not be achieved unless an end to all actions that handcuffed Iraq because of the follies of Saddam's regime, including undergoing the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter United then came the role of the late Sayyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, who was among the first and most prominent Iraqi political leaders who have adopted international action actor to get Iraq out of Chapter VII, particularly through so-called visit sovereignty and independence to the United States in 2007 as to make Mr. Ammar Hakim, head of the Supreme Islamic Council in this area exceptional effort through frequent visits made ​​by and meeting Palmsaoliyn Kuwaitis to melt the ice in relations and strengthen confidence to Aakhraj Iraq from Chapter VII thankfully has resulted in these efforts for international consensus and checks on lifting those sanctions and will see New special relations between the two countries based on respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of both parties for the good of everyone and enjoy the country and the Iraqi citizen security, stability and decent life

    Last edited by Neno on Sun 23 Dec 2012, 8:58 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Highlighted great parts out of this article. LIT)
    Interacting Investor
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by mochasmom Sun 23 Dec 2012, 12:23 pm

    Thanks Rocky, awesome article, now we know, early 2013 for the visit then the UN will do their thing :D
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Dec 2012, 12:29 pm


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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by Proven Sun 23 Dec 2012, 1:07 pm

    ...the early 2013, will see a planned visit by Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah to Iraq to sign protocols would end all outstanding matters between Iraq and Kuwait, which will contribute to the lift and remove Chapter VII...

    Kuwait has informed the UN cooperation Iraq with the resolution of all outstanding issues and the United Nations will in next January to vote on lifting sanctions seventh item[/quote]

    Beautiful statements!
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 23 Dec 2012, 1:12 pm

    Yes, this article hit the nail right on the head. Love the way this is coming together.

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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by mbryan Sun 23 Dec 2012, 1:32 pm

    :cheers: sounds like a winner to me!
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 23 Dec 2012, 1:33 pm

    I agree LIT, nice post Rock!!!
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by mollie09 Sun 23 Dec 2012, 2:39 pm

    Kuwait has informed the UN cooperation Iraq
    with the resolution of all outstanding issues and the United Nations
    will in next January to vote on lifting sanctions seventh item on Iraq

    Here we come JANUARY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RV TIME $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by wciappetta Sun 23 Dec 2012, 3:00 pm

    rocky wrote:Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    on 22/12/2012 | Author Yusuf Rashid Yousef Al-Rashed

    As we continue to stream events and developments and positive statements by brothers officials in the Kuwaiti government and serious attempts to remove Iraq from items penalties (Chapter VII) and older approximately more than twenty years after Iraq has fulfilled his regime New Democratic all its obligations to the international community and expressed his cooperation and goodwill of neighbor sister Kuwait and turned the page past and open a new page and is now looking forward to the lifting of these sanctions and after that saw Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations are positive developments in the representation and exchange diplomatic and mutual visits and the signing of economic agreements, cultural and media and commercial by the parties, the early 2013, will see a planned visit by Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah to Iraq to sign protocols would end all outstanding matters between Iraq and Kuwait, which will contribute to the lift and remove Chapter VII in addition to resolving other files represented in resolving environmental problems and shelf and problems of compensation to Iraqi farmers and objective remains of Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons and Kuwaiti property was preceded announcement two countries end the dispute and settlement final issue of Iraqi Airways and the settlement of financial and National Archives and the UN Security Council has passed three resolutions before soon ended whereby the majority of the sanctions imposed on Iraq and included these three resolutions to end the work oil for food program, which was adopted in the nineties of the last century and the second resolution agreeing to end the international management Iraqi resources through the Development Fund for Iraq and the third resolution lifting the ban on imports and to allow him to implement a nuclear program for peaceful purposes and is these decisions are a good omen for Iraq and its people in the construction and reconstruction and to exercise its role in Arab society and the fact that countries no longer poses a threat to world peace and that Kuwait has informed the UN cooperation Iraq with the resolution of all outstanding issues and the United Nations will in next January to vote on lifting sanctions seventh item on Iraq that these developments and efforts did not bear fruit without the efforts and endeavors undertaken by Iraqi men and especially men ISCI and stream Mihrab Martyr, led by His Eminence martyr mihrab Mr. Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim (may Allah have mercy on him), who contributed his efforts on several occasions before his death to claim to solve all dilemmas for the restoration of sovereignty and independence true of Iraq and can not be achieved unless an end to all actions that handcuffed Iraq because of the follies of Saddam's regime, including undergoing the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter United then came the role of the late Sayyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, who was among the first and most prominent Iraqi political leaders who have adopted international action actor to get Iraq out of Chapter VII, particularly through so-called visit sovereignty and independence to the United States in 2007 as to make Mr. Ammar Hakim, head of the Supreme Islamic Council in this area exceptional effort through frequent visits made ​​by and meeting Palmsaoliyn Kuwaitis to melt the ice in relations and strengthen confidence to Aakhraj Iraq from Chapter VII thankfully has resulted in these efforts for international consensus and checks on lifting those sanctions and will see New special relations between the two countries based on respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of both parties for the good of everyone and enjoy the country and the Iraqi citizen security, stability and decent life

    Get Happy!!!!!!!!
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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

    Post by CITEX Sun 23 Dec 2012, 4:09 pm

    Just need em to get it done... They dont celebrate Christmas, maybe they should step it up to Jan 1 2013....

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    Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item  Empty Re: Iraq and Kuwait .. and out of the seventh item

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