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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Britain plans to send dozens of troops to Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Britain plans to send dozens of troops to Iraq Empty Britain plans to send dozens of troops to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Fri 01 Sep 2017, 3:05 am

    Britain plans to send dozens of troops to Iraq

    Britain plans to send a battalion of dozens of additional troops to Iraq to support the international coalition against a terrorist organization.

    British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said on Friday that his country would "strengthen its contribution to the fight against Saddam and play a key role in the international coalition" led by the United States.

    "These additional forces will support the operations that bring us closer to a daunting defeat," he said.

    The 44-member battalion of the Royal Engineers Battalion will be deployed for six months at Assad Air Base in Anbar province in western Iraq to build infrastructure, including barracks and offices.

    With the deployment of this battalion rises to more than 300 British troops at the base. It also brings to about 600 the number of British troops throughout Iraq.

    Hundreds of US military advisers, as well as Danish and Iraqi soldiers, are also deployed at the base.

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